Though overlanding or expeditioning or automotive adventuring or whatever it’s called this month really took off during lockdown (offering people the chance to get away while not being that far away) its popularity has endured into less restrictive times. Makes sense when you think about it, because going on holiday pretty much wherever you want and not having to deal with anybody else in that time does sound pretty great.
Keen to capitalise on that popularity - and likely aware that many similar upgrades are available from third parties - Land Rover Classic has launched a range of adventure accessories for the classic Defender. A healthy range, too, with five vehicles kitted out with all sorts of add-ons shown at the Goodwood Revival. Land Rover says the new catalogue offers ‘the opportunity to customise and enjoy the Classic Defender as it should be.’
Obviously, we have to talk about the tent first. Supplied by specialist Tentbox (and available from early 2024), it transforms the old Defender into something, in theory, that could be stayed in overnight. More than one night, perhaps. There will be 90- and 110-suitable installations, and Land Rovers says the tent ‘will ensure a comfortable night’s sleep’, so you heard it here first. Furthermore, while the Expedition Camper Defender’s external black-on-black spec is fairly unoriginal, the inside is much more interesting, with Harris Tweed on the centre console and rear benches, a camper conversion by The Ply Guys, a kitchen module and cook station with slide out storage, something called a Croch Suas ceiling, and a Land Rover Expedition Unit for those that dare leave their luxurious surroundings. Don’t expect a Defender converted to Expedition Camper spec to be cheap; do expect it to prove quite popular.
The other Defenders were less extreme; another 110 Hard Top got the Expedition roof rack and ladder, and a smart 90 Station Wagon boasted steel wheels, upgraded LED rear lights and a rubber loadspace liner to ‘enhance practicality and protection’. Presumably, that’s exactly the point of the catalogue: allowing buyers to upgrade their old Defender to their specific requirements. Not everybody needs a bespoke-for-Land-Rover-Classic Gairdean Cubby Box.
The final two conversions are a little more interesting, as a pair of Defender Trophy Support trucks - one for the events with the first Defender Trophy, one for the second batch of cars. Trophy Tribute Pack I get a winch, whatever an A-Frame nudge bar is and some heritage details, while the second is kitted out in full expedition camo (beats all black), 18-inch wheels and mudflaps. There’s something about the Defender pickup that means it seemingly suits any kind of modification, and that certainly still applies here.
The new catalogue of accessories is available now from the Jaguar Land Rover Classic parts page, which is distracting enough even if you don’t have a Defender. We accept no responsibility for time and money spent by actual owners…
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