1986 Toyota Supra [Pre-03] cars for sale

We have 1 1986 Toyota Supra [Pre-03] car available from trade and private sellers

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Expert opinion

No car has had its perception and reputation so utterly transformed by popular culture as the A80 Toyota Supra. Launched as a sports GT in 1993 to rival cars like the Porsche 928, in the UK it was lavishly equipped, supremely refined and about as youthful as a cruise holiday.

But it was powered by the 2JZ straight-six, and that made all the difference. Legendarily tough, it soon ensured the Supra was the darling of the Max Power generation - helped by Smokey Nagata’s 197mph run down the A1 (M) in a 900hp version. This was all before Fast & Furious, don’t forget...

By the time production concluded in 2002, Toyota had an icon on its hands - and its reputation only grew from that point. Replacing it would be a fearsomely difficult task, which is probably why the current, 340hp A90 took so long to reach production. Now more of a sports car than ever - and a very good one at that - the Supra of the 2020s keeps a straight-six up front and rear drive. It’s proving fairly popular with tuners, too, funnily enough. £50,000 will buy you one, or the very best of its illustrious predecessor.


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