RE: Knockhill Tuscans

RE: Knockhill Tuscans

Sunday 16th May 2004

Knockhill Tuscans

Caroline takes three in a row

Glorious sunshine greeted the Tuscaneers on Sunday. Shortly after midday the cars assembled on the grid and revved up for another frenetic ten laps of the undulating circuit.

Phil Keen made a good start as did Lee Caroline whilst behind them chaos almost ensued. Ben Samuelson and Richard Hay came together and it cost them both dearly. The rest of the field flew off the grid whilst they recovered.

Caroline led, pursued by David Mason, Phil Keen and Tim Hood (showing top form this weekend). Keen was hungry for a podium position once again and managed to outbrake Mason and Hood into the hairpin and took up second position. Mason went wide and Hood went through too into third place.

Hay had recovered and made his way up to fifth. Behind him Peter Wheeler was engaged in a cracking battle with Andy Holden, Pete Osborne and Nathan Freke. Ben Samuelson joined the fray and battled his way amongst them before attempting an overambitious move at the hairpin and losing a number of places in the process.

Wheeler overcooked things himself shortly after spinning off and then being T-boned by Nathan Freke. Neither driver was hurt and luckily only minor repairs were required to the cars.

Andy Holden and Neil Purdie weren't so lucky. Holden out braked himself at the end of the straight and couldn't save it, landing in the tyre wall. Purdie followed in his tyre tracks and also eliminated himself from the race.

Caroline took the win, followed by Phil Keen, David Mason, Tim Hood and Richard Hay.

All Hands On Deck

With two severely damaged cars Insane Racing had their work cut out preparing for race two. They had several hours and a number of helpful volunteers from PH/TVRCC but once again the parts supply proved the problem. Without enough parts to go around the decision had to be made about whose car to fix. With Holden competing throughout the season and Purdie only making an outing this weekend, Purdie conceded and the parts were fitted to Holden's car. Frustrating for Purdie and annoying for spectators to see the grid thinned further through lack of parts availability.

Insane Racing's Steve Howard and his team set about Holden's car ably assisted by some enthusiastic volunteers. Between them they transformed a wreck that would make an insurance assessor reach for the extra thick notepad into a roadworthy if slightly gaffer taped(!) racer. Holden made the grid with minutes to spare.

Race 2

Lee Caroline made his customary slow start in race two whilst Phil Keen hared away. Mason was also looking lively and whizzed off at the green light. Caroline took up station in third place with Tim Hood once again showing extra zest.

Mason slipped into the lead followed by Caroline. Keen wasn't beaten yet though. The hairpin proved his weakness though with spectactular wheel locking occurring under braking. Several times he locked up into the sharp bend but he managed to keep his composure and position.

Lee Caroline kept up the pressure on Mason and eventually passed. Caroline blasted away to the flag to secure his third win of the weekend. David Mason settled for a well deserved second place and Keen scored some more valuable points by taking third.

Ben Samuelson took third followed by Richard Hay and Tim Hood.

It had been another great weekend and thankfully another demonstration of exciting racing despite the tiny grid. The size of grid is now cause for concern though. Things need to change if the Tuscan Challenge is to retain the reputation that dozens of racers have fought hard to obtain over the last fifteen years.



Original Poster:

2,820 posts

290 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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Anyone get any good pictures of Neil Purdie on the track in the first race?


1,409 posts

263 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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Not again Andy! .

What's the damage like?



4,386 posts

288 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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daydreamer said:
Not again Andy! .

What's the damage like?


It'll polish out



65 posts

255 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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Few photos are online, for high res (2200x1600) click on the photo then the Full Size button.
Link is..
more we be added throughout the day.

pistol pete

804 posts

269 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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daydreamer said:
Not again Andy! .

What's the damage like?


Having seen Andy's car after the first race yesterday(had to leave before the second), I'm very surprised that you guys got the car going at all, never mind with the lack of parts.

Never really got the chance to say hello, as I was kinda busy on Saturday and had a determined effort to actually see some racing yesterday, despite only having time to be there for 3 races. So maybe see you later in the season down south.



Original Poster:

2,820 posts

290 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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>> Edited by jamesc on Monday 17th May 13:14

Hawthorns ltd

59 posts

247 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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jamesc said:

>> Edited by jamesc on Monday 17th May 13:14


looks like you have nearly finished "defraging" the bonnet


65 posts

255 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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For me this scene summed up the weekend, the car waiting to go out. Full fields of spectators and glorious weather!!

>> Edited by racingdick on Monday 17th May 17:59


5,089 posts

273 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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No 6 here, just back from sunny Scotland with a severely lightened wallet and slighly sunburned nose.

Hmmm, another interesting weekend.

Started well enough - qualified 8th for the Knockhill rounds, pipped by Pete Osbourne by 5/100's of a second on the very last lap of qualifying.

Later in the day in the Silverstone re-run, Peter Wheeler made the most of the gaps in the grid in front of him, got in front for the first corner and I never troubled him after that. 8th. Pete Osbourne had tried an ambitious outbraking move at the hairpin, but had been suffering from brake problems all weekend and span, narrowly missing me but beaching in the gravel. Bad news for Pete, but in championship terms good news for me as my DNF at Donington was costly for points.

On Sunday I got a good start, took Pete Osborne, narrowly missed Richard Hay and Ben Samuleson who clashed and was through into 6th. (BLimey - me in 6th place in a Tuscan race - I couldn't believe it!!!). So much so that PW took me by surprise at the hairpin and slipped round the outside, and we then spent numerous laps battling away. Whilst this happened a bunch formed up, with Pete, Nathan, Neil and Ben all attacking each other and me, whilst I was trying to get Peter.

Peter then had a huge moment through Duffus Dip that turned into a spin. I got onto the brakes hard as I saw him start to spin and locked up. I think Nathan sensed an opportunity and didn't back off, I swerved left at the last minute as Peter came to a halt - just missing him, leaving Nathan to emerge from my tyre smoke to T bone the Chairman rather hard. Fortunately Peter was ok, but Nathan had holed his radiator and was forced to retire. Look out for the footage on Sky - Nathan had an on-board camera - I've seen the tape and I don't think Peter has yet forgiven me for saying 'Good shot sir' at the point of impact when we watched the footage together)

That left me in 6th with 2 laps to go, with Neil behind me. I passed the last lap board, braked as normal for Duffus, locked up, came off the brakes and back on again - but ran out of road and into the gravel and head on into the tyres. I was just into the first swear word (6th place in the bag - what a t1t!!) when Neil gatecrashed my accident. He did exactly the same thing and unfortunately came crashing into the passenger side of the now somewhat second hand No 6. That'll teach me for already starting to think how pleased I was going to be for finishing 6th

We were both gutted, but physically ok. Neil hurt his hand slightly, I was fine. I already knew we wouldn't get both cars back out, that's if we could even get one out. We only had two mechanics, Abby and Steve, although there was also our adopted group of helpers from the Central Scotland region of the TVRCC. Smashing both cars from the same team is a disaster.

After making friends with the marshalls (if any of you are on here - thanks guys, and girl - BTW, Karen, I agree with your colleagues, you're not supposed to chat up stranded racing drivers, especially when we're dazed and at our most vulnerable!), I got a lift back to the pits pronto in a 3 series CSL (very nice, especially the automatic throttle blip on the down change).

Once back I went straight to TVR and started organising spares - I knew I needed a bonnet, rad frame, 2 oil coolers, radiator, a couple of wishbones, exhaust silencer and a steering rack.

By the time I got back to the awning No 6 was back, and No 5 nearly there.

Anyone who was there when I had the Donington shunt will know I do not give up easily. I was just as determined to get out again at Knockhill. However we did not have enough time to fix both cars, and we needed to have a discussion. In the end we decided to fix No6, even though No5 was an easier repair. Although a front end smash on a Tuscan looks awful, in reality once you replace the bonnet and rad/oil cooler assembly, you are pretty much there.

I have committed for the full season and have therefore invested heavily in the championship - plus I need the points. Budget also played a part. Neil had worked hard to get just enough money together for the weekend, but his funds did not extend to an accident and, for example, buying a new bonnet. Having said that, I started the year with insufficient funds to do the whole season, and I am now at crisis point having had 2 big accidents. I have been steadily chipping away at the deposit money for my house (having sold my house in December and am currently renting). Anyway, the decision was made and I know it was a tough one for Neil. I suspect he knew it was game over for the day when we were both on the bank behind the tyre wall. It is a terrible feeling and even though I was immensely disappointed and upset myself, I also felt for him.

Whenever there is a crisis in the Tuscan paddock, everyone lends a hand. I think it is a uniquely TVR thing, or perhaps it is just the people involved in Tuscan racing. No - that's not true - it is a TVR thing. Other teams helped out - Dave and Nick Mason lent us their compressor and tools. TVR helped out by selling me Peter's spare rad assembly, rather than the individual parts, and lending me a spare exhaust. Without the assembly we would not have been ready in time. What was unique though, was the help from the guys from the local chapter of the TVRCC. Willie, Brian and the rest of the guys - you did a fantastic job
They set about cleaning, drilling, grinding, gaffer taping - whatever needed doing. Fantastic!! Even PetrolTed got his hands slightly grubby at one point!!

My own accident damage was much the same as Neil's - straightforward front end. Expensive, not pretty, but straightfoward. Unfortunately, where Neil had hit me in the side, there was more difficult damage. The squashed exhaust was not too problematic, but the outrigger chassis tube was completely flattened and pushed in. The outrigger is not crucial, but the mounting point from the roll cage is. We had a long debate with John Reid, the factory mechanics Jonny and Brian, Steve and John Crook, the series scrutineer - and decided the car could race.

Massive thanks, as always, to Steve and Abby for all your efforts. Not a good way to celebrate Steve's birthday!

So with 10 minutes to go the car was ready (ish) to race. I frantically brushed the fibreglass dust out of my hair, got changed and got in the car.

The race itself went reasonably well. I got another good start and passed Hugh Marshall. I let Nathan go through as I wasn't sure how the car would handle (we still had a bent wishbone we hadn't had time to change). I set about Bob Ross, got him up the start finish straight, then picked off PW when he suffered a gearbox failure, leaving him with just 4th gear. 9th out of 12 - not bad considering most people thought we'd never get the car out again. As an added treat one of the exhaust pipes dropped out of the silencer with 2 laps to go. It sounded wonderful, and I admit I overdid the throttle blips on downchanges to entertain the crowd

So there you go. Another quiet weekend in the Tuscan

We now have to thoroughly investigate the extent of the chassis damage to the car - fingers crossed we do not need to have a new chassis - that would be a disaster

The TVRCC guys stayed to help take the awning down - thanks a million guys, it made such a difference.

As we were flying back today Willie then invited Emma and I back to his house, where Val rustled up a lovely meal and Willie and I bored the girls with TVR talk. A relaxing meal with an incredible view of the Forth bridge, then back to the hotel to reflect on just how wonderful TVR (and PH) folk can be.

Neil, if you are reading - chin up mate. If I hadn't made a horlicks of that corner neither would you and we'd have had 6th and 7th in the bag. You did bloody well with so little time in the car, so hold your head up high.

Finally, I really, really need some additional sponsorship to complete the full season. If anyone can help, do please let me know.

Time for a stiff drink I think....

>> Edited by Griff2be on Monday 17th May 20:33

>> Edited by griff2be on Wednesday 19th May 08:48


65 posts

255 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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With what u said about Nathan "I think Nathan sensed an opportunity and didn't back off"

You cant back off if u dont see. The camera angle is set high and what it see's is not what the driver see's!!!!

>> Edited by racingdick on Monday 17th May 21:04


5,089 posts

273 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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You seem rather sensitive Richard. Not sure why?

I wasn't criticising Nathan. Far from it. As I said, I locked up and created a smoke screen, then swerved out of the way at the last minute. Nathan had nowhere to go.

He was travelling quicker than I was when he arrived at the scene, which is why I commented that I thought he sensed an opportunity. That was from looking in my mirrors, not seeing it on a 5" screen afterwards.


333 posts

259 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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Racingdick..............Sounds like a bit of hindsight engineering here!!!!:big grin:

neil purdie

56 posts

247 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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Hi Andy,
I shouldn't be laughing, but i noticed you haven't lost your sence of humour. I am typing with my usual one finger on the right hand, which is just as well, as the left is in cast!! (there is a god)

I hope everything works out O.K.

A big thanks to Lee for some sound advice
Also to you Andy, after hooking up onto the back of you,you managed to pull me along very nicely.... right into bloody Duffus

Only joking....

neil purdie

56 posts

247 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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Enjoyed myself so much, i will be back


5,089 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th May 2004
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That's the spirit mate!!

(Another soul lost to the demon of Tuscan racing)


5,089 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th May 2004
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neil purdie said:
Hi Andy,
I shouldn't be laughing, but i noticed you haven't lost your sence of humour. I am typing with my usual one finger on the right hand, which is just as well, as the left is in a cast!!

Are you joking about your left hand? Did you have your thumbs inside the steering wheel when you hit?

neil purdie

56 posts

247 months

Tuesday 18th May 2004
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Griff2be said:

neil purdie said:
Hi Andy,
I shouldn't be laughing, but i noticed you haven't lost your sence of humour. I am typing with my usual one finger on the right hand, which is just as well, as the left is in a cast!!

Are you joking about your left hand? Did you have your thumbs inside the steering wheel when you hit?



5,089 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th May 2004
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Yep you are joking, or yep, you've broken your thumb?

neil purdie

56 posts

247 months

Tuesday 18th May 2004
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Griff2be said:
Yep you are joking, or yep, you've broken your thumb?

Went to get an xray today - they think it is.... put it in cast for two weeks and will xray it again

V8 Archie

4,703 posts

254 months

Tuesday 18th May 2004
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Griff2be said:
Finally, I really, really need some additional sponsorship to complete the full season.
Griff2be's Profile said:
Gentleman racer and international jewel thief
Time to get back to the day job?