Cleaning and undersealing... can anyone recommend?

Cleaning and undersealing... can anyone recommend?



Original Poster:

3,934 posts

277 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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A mate of mine needs to get the underside of his car thoroughly cleaned and sealed... can anyone recommend a good place near SW London? Doesnt need to be that cheap as a certain well known Motoring association will be paying...


1,092 posts

280 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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How far is Newbery from SW London ?

Anyway -

simpo one

87,135 posts

273 months

Thursday 2nd May 2002
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I got my local tyre and exhaust place (a good bunch)to give my Griffith a pre-winter brush-up. The instructions were: put it on the ramp, clean off all the accumulated dirt/grit/oil from underneath and waxoyl everything metal.