May Day Demo



Original Poster:

10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Anyone heard anything about where in the city the sandal wearers intend causing chaos this year ??? Doubt it will be Liffe again this year


34,443 posts

309 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Mayfair is the target this year.


4,339 posts

285 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Just a thought but these so called 'sandal wearers' are doing more to speak out against crap government policy than we are...


2,690 posts

273 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Those muppets on Young Posh & Loaded better retreat to their country houses then.


34,443 posts

309 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Just a thought but these so called 'sandal wearers' are doing more to speak out against crap government policy than we are...

You think so or are they campaigning against the 'capitalism' that keeps this country from starving and just out to smash up some shops?


21,173 posts

278 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Having shared a bean cake with one of the hippies here in the city a couple of years ago, it seemed there were about a hundred different groups protesting. It ranged from anarchists to the pro-cycling lobby. I'm sure the vast majority of these people are all very nice and well intentioned, but the idea that they have anything serious to contribute to the debate stretches my credulity.
The professional angry brigade (Socialist Worker and his dog) seem to think there is some intrinsic merit in public protest. This is of course complete bilge. It has no impact on public opinion at all. If you want to change people's minds you have to engage in a debate, and yelling in the street is the perfect way of not having to listen to the other side. It's totally unconvincing.
We criticise the government for spouting meaningless slogans, so surely the same applies to this mob's T-shirts, chants and banners? Complex problems are unlikely to have simple solutions, and pretending otherwise is fundamentally dishonest and betrays the people these protestors are claiming to support.


4,339 posts

285 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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OK, points taken but I still applaud these people for actually getting off their arses and doing something about what they believe in whereas the most the majority of us will ever achieve is posting a few derisory messages about "stealth tax" on an Internet discussion forum.

I'm not getting into a discussion about the actual subject of the protests, just the fact that they're *doing something*.

My flamesuit is on.


2,690 posts

273 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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I think you'll find the majority of tree huggers spend the other 364 days of the year lazing around in their own squalour, only just mustering up enough effort to emerge from under their rocks for the annual demo.

ultra violent

2,827 posts

275 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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When this came through the city a few years ago, my mate was driving me home. One of said soap dodgers ran on to the bonnet of his car and stamped on his windscreen. I think he and his friends were most surprised when I got out the passenger side and rubbed his face in the broken glass (used to work when the dog pissed in the house )

What pissed us off was the police, who where only 40 or so yards away did f' all. On the up side they didn't seem to mind me pointing out the error of his ways.


506 posts

278 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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In much the same way that the so called 'Ring Of Steel' helped prevent terrorist atrocities, could we not implement a 'Ring Of Soap' to protect the West End?


2,690 posts

273 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Original Poster:

10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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So then Bonce who actually has more effect on Government policy. The Soap Dodgers who smash up the Merc showroom, piss in the lobby of McDonalds and give Winston Churchill a grass mohawk or me when I put on a shirt and tie and attend my local MP's surgery as an invited guest from the local business community to tell him in a polite and articulate manner that he's a C**t and so's his boss???

Oh yes alright I get your point


11,430 posts

272 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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oh the great unwashed - dontcha just luv em??

Get the fire brigade out with the hoses, get Head N shoulders to sponser the event and hose the buggers down. Peaceful protest is one thing and is a legitimate way of making your feelings known to the powers that be (as is road blockades, but thats another story) Violent protest does no good at all


4,339 posts

285 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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piss in the lobby of McDonalds

I don't have a problem with that


2,690 posts

273 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Head n Shoulders event sound excellent. You have our office chukkling away.


40,110 posts

290 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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I dont condone the actions of the great unwashed but if you want to know where they will be so as to avoid the area go to

Sod the police and all the overtime I think they should starve the Liffe guys for a few days then let them loose on the protesters . Ill open a popcorn stand and hire out deckchairs and make a mint.


151 posts

270 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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I agree with Bonce, how good of some of those protestors to march against capitalism in their nike/reebok etc trainers, jeans, sweaters, coats, all most likely made in some Tiawanese sweatshop, etc. Then they can go home watch themselves on their expensive TVs and listen to it on their expensive stereo.


4,339 posts

285 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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Actually Jon, I think I read somewhere that they wear home made body armour made out of sofa cushions and estate agent's signs.

Having read some of the website that Cotty linked to, I'm feeling a bit less peace and love for them - I mean check this:


From the Mayday '01 page:
The actions included a office invasion against the arms trade, a giant veggieburger give-away at MuckDonald's, building cardboard homes in Mayfair, a picket of Coutts Bank for the abolition of money, a demonstration outside HMP Pentonville

ABOLITION OF MONEY!?! Huh? How stupid is that?!? Bunch of nobs.

I still stand by my original argument that I applaud them for going to so much trouble to demonstrate their beliefs.



Original Poster:

10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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I still stand by my original argument that I applaud them for going to so much trouble to demonstrate their beliefs.

Fuck off Bonce they just think it's a good crack to cause agro and piss all the suits off.


8,755 posts

276 months

Tuesday 30th April 2002
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(as is road blockades, but thats another story)

Last ones to try that on me were at Dover protesting about something on the boats. Well an Audi S4 BiTurbo peeling off the roundabout at the bottom of the ramp and accelerating at them with a howling engine did seem to part them quite well......and I wouldn't have stopped for the red bast***s either "cos I woz in fear of my life" honestly ossifer........