RE: Peugeot Moonster



Original Poster:

11 posts

288 months

Monday 26th March 2001
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This 'original' design looks (IMHO) remarkably influenced by David Baker's Landshark project. (


1,590 posts

292 months

Monday 26th March 2001
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Looks a complete sack of ****e to me!


30,511 posts

292 months

Monday 26th March 2001
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It is very similar to a beautiful streamlined design I've seen that was ahead of its time (and stunningly original) in the 1920s. This new attempt is neither original nor pretty.


2,591 posts

292 months

Monday 26th March 2001
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looks good to me


499 posts

291 months

Tuesday 27th March 2001
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Looking at it from a design point of view it is a complete packaging disaster and an engineering nightmare. To fit 2 people in they would have to be in tandem and there is no space for almost anything else. The teardrop shape is very efficient aerodynamically but to give a usable passenger compartment the car would need to be a tapering 30 feet long. Rather interesting how the front 'axle' would chop pedestrians off at the knees then decapitate them with the rear wing... One of the best packaged cars to date is the McLaren F1 with it's pannier style lugage compartments and efficient (patented) seating layout. This Moonster is a HotWheels toy only. Clive Reed Zertec Limited


499 posts

291 months

Tuesday 27th March 2001
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Possibly one too many 'o's in the name....Monster Clive Reed Zertec Limited


1,590 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th March 2001
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MAybe that's what the next safety thing will be in F1. Just in case a Marshal, who should be watching where wheels/tyres/cars/bits are anyway, steps out in front of the pack they all hav big rubber bumpers to stop the suspension and low front from damaging his ankles and a wing made of polystrene to make sure he doesn't get his head chopped off! Dubbs - FIA Safety consultant

Graham and Rosie

850 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th March 2001
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Dubbs, I think you will find that some of the marshalls, like the one who was killed in Melbourne, should NOT be watching the cars, wheels, bits of body work, they are called Crowd Marshalls and, as the name suggests, should be watching the crowd Mr Pickey ================ Graham and Rosie