Crazy Bear 2: Sun 28 April, Oxon

Crazy Bear 2: Sun 28 April, Oxon



Original Poster:

8,431 posts

273 months

Friday 19th April 2002
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After the success of the first Crazy Bear meet (despite the rain and being forced to suffer the slightly cramped bar area), we are hoping for sunshine and an en-masse invasion of the trestle tables overlooking the ample and secure gravel car park.

Sunday April 28th, 3pm-3.30pm (to avoid lunchtime trade and let you family men have a roast with the missus).

This meet was originally suggested by UV on the Porsche forum, but is open to all. There should be a few nice cars there and Ted himself has promised an appearance.

All are welcome, especially DavidP who owes me a pint ;-)

The location and details of the venue are:

I would advise booking early for the 'authentic Thai massage'!!! As you can tell, the Crazy Bear is not your normal pub. :-)

Hope to see one or two of you there. Last time Flasher and gb made it in their Tamora Palmer Tompkinsons.

>>> Edited by domster on Friday 19th April 11:59


371 posts

275 months

Friday 19th April 2002
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All are welcome, especially DavidP who owes me a pint ;-)

Damn....that's why I changed my flippin nickname. I think I've got toothache that day...err no, I'm washing my hair...err.......

I'll try and get down but a bit pushed this Sunday

Dom, you got your new mota yet?

Edit: Ah next Sunday. No oop north that weekend.

>> Edited by DavidP on Friday 19th April 12:15


Original Poster:

8,431 posts

273 months

Friday 19th April 2002
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Ha ha, any excuse, eh!

Won't be in new motor yet. Will take a month or so for things to fully sort themselves out.

Will have to get that pint at the next meet ;-)



371 posts

275 months

Friday 19th April 2002
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Yer on


Original Poster:

8,431 posts

273 months

Thursday 25th April 2002
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Just a reminder that this event (the so called 'Porsche and Pies' meet, although open to all PHers) is happening *this* Sunday, for anyone reasonably local. Eight have said 'definite yes', so about a dozen cars will probably turn up. A good number for a chat and some fizzy pop in the sun/rain/snow.

Hope to see some of you there.



6 posts

267 months

Thursday 25th April 2002
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I'll be there.


629 posts

270 months

Thursday 25th April 2002
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Will you still have the Carlton, or has it allready gone. Love the RS by the way.



Original Poster:

8,431 posts

273 months

Friday 26th April 2002
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Hi Gavin,

I still have the Carlton (in process of being sold) but will probably turn up with Scottster in his 993. Cheers for comment re 964RS! Will have to meet up for beer in Wyc at some point.



23,937 posts

287 months

Sunday 28th April 2002
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Good to meet everyone today - top idea UV!

Interesting turnout for a 'Porsche & Pie' event: 3 TVRs, 2 Porkers


Original Poster:

8,431 posts

273 months

Monday 29th April 2002
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Yeah, I think as soon as we let the exclusivity go by opening it to TiVers as well, some of the Porsche owners decided not to come ;-)

Or it might just have been the prospect of showers...

That said, my guess of a dozen people turning up was correct. Just managed to fit them into five cars!

Still, a good event - will be much better when the sun shines properly.


>> Edited by domster on Monday 29th April 09:28


28,377 posts

287 months

Monday 29th April 2002
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Sorry, domster. I was that Porsche owner who wasn't there....unfortunately. Personal stuff came up so it just wasn't possible.

Next time, next time...