Any sprints coming up?



Original Poster:

78 posts

256 months

Saturday 27th March 2004
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Does anyone know of any sprints coming up - especially Pukekohe?
I'm really feeling the itch - and also want to check the brakes on the Capri!! (On the Bambina I could only just turn the front wheels with the car jacked up!!!!)


4,391 posts

265 months

Saturday 27th March 2004
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Hi, here are some racing related events I got though our club notice.
As I don't fully race my car, I will just be doing the sprints in Nov. At this stage I am not sure what else is on. If you just want to try out your brakes doesn't Puke have public sessions out there on a Sat morning or something for people to test out their cars etc?

27 & 28 Mar Sat & Sun HRC racing at Pukekohe HRC
16-18 Apr 04 Rally of NZ
30Apr- 2May V8 Supercar Pukekohe round
02-May-04 Sun MG Otaua hillclimb 09 445 3826 eve
09-May-04 Sun TACCOC at Pukekohe
29-Aug-04 Sun Driver Training at Pukekohe CLNZ, Jag & BMW Clubs
13 & 14 Nov Sat & Sun Whittakers Meeting at Manfeild (provisional date) MG Wlg
21-Nov-04 Sun Lotus Sprints at Taupo CLNZ