for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



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236 months

Wednesday 14th April 2010
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it`s not very often i get properly excited by new bands but these lads "tesseract" are absolutely sensational.debut album due out soon


4,555 posts

269 months

Wednesday 14th April 2010
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I quite like these too, although they had a free download of their demo a year or so back but you had to join their forums.. but for some reason they'd never accept my registration. Rather disappointing.

While not totally similar and a little bit more popular I recommend you try Xerath out.


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7,879 posts

236 months

Thursday 15th April 2010
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musically that stuff sounds amazing i just get a bit put off by that over the top voal`s why i`m not 100% with chimaera.musically superb but spoiled a bit by the vocals.little bit left of centre but this band called animals as leaders has got some genius guitar a fusion of jazz and metal.very weird but engrossing stuff.


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7,879 posts

236 months

Friday 16th April 2010
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which band are you talking about? i had fear factory`s early more turned off as they got more techno but can`t really see the similarities here


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236 months

Friday 16th April 2010
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i suppose it depends on what you want to hear.i really hate messy /muddy sounding weight to a guitar sound but prefer the deftones style "cleanliness" to the weight of sound .i like really well produced music with panoramic soundscapes which is why i can`t even bear compressed dowload files and still do the old fuddy duddy thing of buying real cd`s.


7,741 posts

242 months

Friday 16th April 2010
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Didn't do anything for me I'm afraid.

It just didn't rock me.


4,555 posts

269 months

Friday 16th April 2010
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I definitely see where Hornet is coming from - production-wise it's probably easier to have a clean/clicky sound these days than the warm fuzz of an old 4 track or whatever. I like all sorts of Metal and production for the most part. Clean production does only suit certain types of music though and in general I prefer something raw with some atmosphere - There is still a time and place for music like TesseracT though, and when in the mood do really enjoy it.


5,193 posts

255 months

Friday 16th April 2010
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Hmmmm. Was reading this thread at work today, but frustratingly could not access YouTube, so was looking forward to having a listen tonight as i always like to hear new Metal bands.

Dissappointingly, i am not overly impressed. Yes, its good, solid, well produced metal (i do happen to like my metal well produced), but it is all so samey. I was listening to Killswitch Engage the other night, and tbh this sounds too similiar. 10 out of 10 for execution, but much lower for originality. I would not buy their album, as i have 10 others that sound exactly like it.



4,555 posts

269 months

Saturday 17th April 2010
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Lets have some better examples of 'new' (1 album released maximum?) UK Metal on this thread then? Not necessarily 100% original but atleast of note..


4,555 posts

269 months

Saturday 17th April 2010
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Cant get your first video to work, Hornet.

Ramesses I dont see anything particularly special with and are easily big/well known enough already.

Not heard of Fury UK before, sounds reasonable although nothing new.

I'm not trying to be one of those 'different = good' people, as it rarely does, and most of my favourite newer artists for the most part copying other more established acts. However, I was asking the question of new/different bands as opposed to those just playing the same old as they're rather rare.

Ted Maul are probably my favourite, although not a lot of their stuff is 100% original it's atleast not been done by many bands.


4,555 posts

269 months

Saturday 17th April 2010
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hornet said:
I just find it far more interesting, as it has proper feeling and atmosphere to it, even if that feeling and atmosphere is mostly old Darkthrone.
..Of course, I've discussed the merits of Darkthrone with you before - at the moment I am listening to something that reeks of De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas myself (Frost 'UK') and most of what I like could have come from Scandinavia 15+ years ago..

I've seen the name Blutival about but not tried before.. but yes, it sounds good. Thanks.


4,555 posts

269 months

Sunday 18th April 2010
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hornet said:
On that basis, heard "The Horror" by Tribulation?
Yes I know Tribulation although not listened to the whole album, I like them but to be honest I do well enough with the original Stockholm/Sunlight bands. BM-wise I'll always have those classics that I dont want to overplay so try to find new artists doing similar. I try not to get caught in any 'hype' but that does mean I miss out on a few bands for a while, Inquisition being the most recent. Out of the bands you mentioned Craft are my favourite, I'm a big Burzum fan but not dared listen to the new one - but there's enough similar bands out there now.

I still like experimentation though.


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7,879 posts

236 months

Monday 19th April 2010
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gbbird said:
Hmmmm. Was reading this thread at work today, but frustratingly could not access YouTube, so was looking forward to having a listen tonight as i always like to hear new Metal bands.

Dissappointingly, i am not overly impressed. Yes, its good, solid, well produced metal (i do happen to like my metal well produced), but it is all so samey. I was listening to Killswitch Engage the other night, and tbh this sounds too similiar. 10 out of 10 for execution, but much lower for originality. I would not buy their album, as i have 10 others that sound exactly like it.

mmmm....strange one that,i`m a massive kilswitch fan.clinical huge production sound,rhythmically as tight as a duck`s arse etc. but i don`t see them sounding like tesseract at all.


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7,879 posts

236 months

Monday 19th April 2010
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hornet said:
tuscaneer said:
i suppose it depends on what you want to hear.i really hate messy /muddy sounding weight to a guitar sound but prefer the deftones style "cleanliness" to the weight of sound .i like really well produced music with panoramic soundscapes which is why i can`t even bear compressed dowload files and still do the old fuddy duddy thing of buying real cd`s.
I guess it's a "your mileage may vary" thing. I HATE that clean, clinical sound. Needs to be an edge to it for me old Entombed cloud9, or failing that, be dirty and fuzzy. I don't like that polished sound smile

As an aside, if it's heavy + soundscapes you like, and you don't mind a slower tempo, ever heard of Ufomammut?.
yeah, i remember entombed from years ago.bit too lo-fi for me and i can`t get to grips with that over the top vocal barking.can`t really get onto that ufomammut for the same reasons.that production really does remind me of the sound quality my band used to get in the early 90`s on a VERY low budget!!!cheers for the heads up though


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7,879 posts

236 months

Monday 19th April 2010
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hornet said:
Gompo said:
Cant get your first video to work, Hornet.

Ramesses I dont see anything particularly special with and are easily big/well known enough already.

Not heard of Fury UK before, sounds reasonable although nothing new.

I'm not trying to be one of those 'different = good' people, as it rarely does, and most of my favourite newer artists for the most part copying other more established acts. However, I was asking the question of new/different bands as opposed to those just playing the same old as they're rather rare.

Ted Maul are probably my favourite, although not a lot of their stuff is 100% original it's atleast not been done by many bands.
I'll admit to being somewhat out of the loop on very new stuff, partly because it does nothing for me, and I guess partly because my tastes have changed. Just found it odd that anyone could get overly excited by the sort of stuff Tesseract are playing, as an hour or two of Scuzz would throw up numerous other bands who all sound exactly like that. Sounds far too calculated to my ears, almost as if it's derived from an equation. I also really dislike that vocal style. First video was Blutvial. Probably not a decent comparison, as it's not exactly mainstream metal, but I just find it far more interesting, as it has proper feeling and atmosphere to it, even if that feeling and atmosphere is mostly old Darkthrone.
that blutival sounds like old grindcore (die 116 etc.)
i tried an experiment the other night.set the sky box to record one of the late night "extreme" shows on scuzz and spent an hour scanning through all the stuff.couldn`t find one soundalike to tesseract.frankly, there is a lot of stty sounding blast beat stuff and the odd band that sound musically ok but ruin it with this super gruff vocal style(like old nile or suffocation)
i think a lot of my problem with much of these bands is the tunings.i always had a 6 string gibson les paul and could get as low as detune by 2 steps and then drop the e string(which is now D)a further 2 steps to my day this was a very low tuning(until sepultura and korn went mad!).any lower than this and the whole affair sounds a mess.there is no tightness to the sound.if you want to get lower than C you need to dip your toe into the realms of 7 and 8 string guitars.
there is some fantastic solo guitar stuff up on you tube of dino from fear factory/divine heresy with super low tunings on an ibanez 7 string.
on the whole very dissapointed with all of these bands on scuzz on saturday night.fat blokes dressed as pirates,women painted up like zombies and singing like a cat coughing up fur balls.although i`ve come across them before, bring me the horizon sounded pretty good.


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236 months


Original Poster:

7,879 posts

236 months


Original Poster:

7,879 posts

236 months

Monday 19th April 2010
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two tracks off the new deftones album above.this to me is "heavy".fking superb and really weighty.
i am enjoying this thread ,it`s got me thinking as to perceptions of what is heavy or not.some of that stuff that is supposed to be heavy to me actually sounds properly nuts and chaotic but not especially heavy.too "pinched " on the higher tuned stuff and too fuzzy on the lower stuff.


1,221 posts

211 months

Monday 19th April 2010
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tuscaneer said:
two tracks off the new deftones album above.this to me is "heavy".fking superb and really weighty.
i am enjoying this thread ,it`s got me thinking as to perceptions of what is heavy or not.some of that stuff that is supposed to be heavy to me actually sounds properly nuts and chaotic but not especially heavy.too "pinched " on the higher tuned stuff and too fuzzy on the lower stuff.
I like the second track which is lucky because when I just listened to the first track my thoughts were 'meh, another average Deftones track' the second track is the best stuff I've heard them do since 'Around The Fur', I'll be interested to hear the new one.

I think heaviness is all really in the ear of the beholder, for instance this:



and this: to me are all perfect examples of good heavy music and each one assaults your cranuim in very different ways.

Edited by JaymzDead on Monday 19th April 09:25


Original Poster:

7,879 posts

236 months

Monday 19th April 2010
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fking hell, obituary have conjured up some old memories!!.
i can`t get onto any of that blast beat stuff at all.musically very proficient but leaves me a bit cold.
question to all really, how did you arrive at your metal tastes of today??

i was brought up on deep purple and zepplin, which turned into iron maiden and so on round about the somewhere in time album(1986-87).this quickly turned into thrash metal in the late 80`s with slayer,testament,exodus and all the usual suspects.about the same time as this i got more turned on to hardcore.west coast for my more melodic leanings(dag nasty,descendents etc.) and east coast for the more traditional hardcore like minor threat, gorrila biscuits and all went off on a bit of a tangent here because bands like biohazard had those hardcore roots but were moving it all a bit more rap/metal.
always liked sepultura but not madly until chaos ad then finally now korn and deftones had sprung up and for me widened the scopes somewhat.i`ll probably get shot down in flames for this but if limp bizkit had existed without fred fking durst they would have been epic!