Yorkshire group meeting 14th March

Yorkshire group meeting 14th March



Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Friday 20th February 2004
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4,427 posts

272 months

Friday 20th February 2004
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I can't. Going off-road on the 14th.


517 posts

266 months

Friday 20th February 2004
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Sorry, I'll be in Seattle.
It's a hard life...


1,056 posts

269 months

Friday 20th February 2004
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14th is the monthly North East TVRCC lunchtime meeting (at Woolsington, near NCL airport) and also the Hexham Horseless Carriges open day. I'm sure you'd be welcome to join us you fancied it:

TVRCCNE Calendar said:

14th March Monthly meeting at the Premier Lodge 12 - 1.30. NB Leaving at 1.30pm
14th March HHC open day 2.0 – 4.30 approx, leave Premier Lodge at 1.30pm. Hopefully either the Sagaris/Typhon/De-Walt racer will be there. food available?
