Dodgy error message stuff

Dodgy error message stuff



Original Poster:

1,362 posts

292 months

Tuesday 6th March 2001
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Seems to me, it would be sensible to upload the news page before you update the front page, then you wouldn't need the error page.


34,443 posts

311 months

Tuesday 6th March 2001
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I do generally... What I actually need is a faster link to the 'net!


77 posts

290 months

Tuesday 6th March 2001
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Well don't waste your time trying to get an ADSL line, BT are hopeless. Got an ISDN in the end But at least it always works at 64k which is better than 512k ADSL shared with 20 or 50 other users.(see small print about contention ratios)


2,749 posts

292 months

Tuesday 6th March 2001
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My Cable Modem has been quite good so far. If you live in a CM area, it might be worth a look, although be aware that the connection will still go down every now and then, so keep something dialup shaped against that possibility. I've had it for six months or so, and I still get big download speeds (in the range of 70kbytes/s) so the contention situation doesn't appear to be too bad here. Upload is, of course, slower, and contentioin ratios may be different where you are. YMMV.


34,443 posts

311 months

Tuesday 6th March 2001
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It's a long story. I've got ISDN, but not on the new PC so slow uploads, but at least I've got access from two machines at once. I looked into ADSL, but because I've got ISDN I'd be further down the queue as they have to rip that out. That would also mess with the phone numbers I've got which makes it more complicated. Best bet is the cable modem with phone backup as suggested. I've got digital cable with a sodding modem socket on it but the modem bit isn't available in this area yet. So I'm left uploading my news database over a piece of string or writing code to edit it place while I wait for the cable to come good. You did want to know all that didn't you?