Bike Parking Question in London (OT ?)

Bike Parking Question in London (OT ?)



Original Poster:

8,456 posts

283 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Hi Chaps
Thought someone would be able to point me in the right direction for this !

I regulary ride my bike into town and take advantage of what I thought was a bike perk - that you can park your bike on the skylights that are in the pavements, next to some buildings. The assumption is/was that these are private property, normally belonging to the building that your parking next to.

Is this not the case ?

I got a ticket today, off Monmouth Street, in a small alleyway on such a skylight. I've used it 100's of times before. I called up the Camden parking dept and complained that I was on private property etc They said to write in, but I wanted to check that I was right in the first place ?!!

Already searched the web but no luck


Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

274 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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I'm afraid this little loophole was closed a couple of years ago - I remember reading about it in MCN. Uncle Ken may have seen fit to exempt bikes from the congestion tax, but have you noticed how the number of bike parking spaces in London have shrunk, and that Westminster are now charging for what spaces there are? Have to be in by 8.00am, otherwise all spots are occupied by scooters!


Original Poster:

8,456 posts

283 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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f**K ! oh well guess I got away with it for 2 years !!

Scooters everywhere - though you can pick them up pretty easily and move them outside the bay !!


6,358 posts

277 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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f**K ! oh well guess I got away with it for 2 years !!

Scooters everywhere - though you can pick them up pretty easily and move them outside the bay !!

don't you dare pick on the smaller wheeled brothers! they are rebelling, maybe not as much as us, but they still deserve respect!!!!!!!


13,382 posts

273 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Bollocks Carl... Bikers have my respect, but 90% of scooter riders are nothing but a pain in the arse.


600 posts

272 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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If you were true disciple of the dark side you would use velcro to attach your reg. plate, and remove the reg when parked.

Let them try and give you a ticket then


Original Poster:

8,456 posts

283 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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just need to get the false plate - best bet !

I told them "f" not "s" occifer !


371 posts

278 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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I sent a reply recently to a bus lane thread on this. I was ticketed last year on my motorbike in Tudor Street in the City on a pavement light. The pavement light in question was part of a long disused newspaper depot.

I sent the minimum fine, but also appealed on the grounds that I was on private property (and offered to send a land registry map to prove it!).

In reply, I got a response from the City's lawyers quoting that the offence relates to parking on a "footway" and rehearsing the relevant bit of the Act that defines a "footway" as (and I haven't kept the letter so I paraphrase) a piece of land over which the public have a usual right of way.

They let me off, but warned me not to do it again. They also sent me a refund of my cheque hunny bunnies that they are.

Good luck

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

274 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Forget the false plate. I had my 1100 removed from the 20ft wide paved area outside my gym in Uxbridge last summer by the local nazis, and was then charged £125 to reclaim it. Disc lock, alarm, the lot. Came out of the gym and assumed the bike had been nicked (no message left behind). Only discovered the truth when I reported the "theft".


Original Poster:

8,456 posts

283 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I only got a bike for commuting - but as said earlier how many bike spaces are there around these days??
If good old crazy Ken had the first clue about reducing congestion, he would make sure they were more bike spaces !! and whilst I'm ranting if the goverment were really serious about it, instead of just raising yet more money they would introduce a tax benefit for homeworkers - that's how to bring congestion - oh and bring in school buses !!!!


13,382 posts

273 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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if the goverment were really serious about it, instead of just raising yet more money they would introduce a tax benefit for homeworkers
Shares in Dressing Gown & Slippers companies would rocket... New trade papers would emerge "Sitting round with your knackers out, smoking pot, weekly"... quality..
oh and bring in school buses !!!!
apparently they are doing..


10,857 posts

273 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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New trade papers would emerge "Sitting round with your knackers out, smoking pot, weekly"... quality..

I knew that web cam was a bad idea.

flying gibbon

2,244 posts

288 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Scooters! I now understand the Rockers of the 50's. Take 'em down to Brighton... Yes, there are a few who understand the biker ethos, but most just see scooters as cars on two wheels and ride accordingly. Then, when they get to parking, they suddenly change their view and see all two wheeled vehicles as bicycles, moving them hither and yon. The number of times I hear my bike alarm going off to see a scooter rider (note - NOT a scooterist) attempting to wheel 250kg of bike a little to the left! Some might find tearing off their mirrors and leaving them on the seat rather effective - they just pop back on again, but it makes the point! I, however, couldn't possibly consider such an action.

And would someone please explain to them how sidestands work and make them understand that bikes need room on the right to be leaned upright before moving off!!! I think a mouthful of chain lube will do the trick

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

274 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I always park the ZZR on its main stand in London now - the number of times I've returned to find a scooter parked touching it on the right side whilst on the side stand, you just wouldn't believe.


6,358 posts

277 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I used to find scooters a pain, then I rode one. Scared me how wobbly it was after a real bike, so I have respect for them who scoot. Especially the ones that are fast. Ok they don't have the image or the performance, but that doesn't make them bad people. Unless it is that tosser Jamie Wotsisname from the Sainsbury adverts! you know, the irritating fcukwit chef geezer.

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

274 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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For once Carl, we'll have to agree to differ. I get really wound up by scooter riders when I'm moving around London. THE most annoying thing is when I'm at the front of a queue of traffic on the ZZR, waiting at the lights, and some tw@t on a scooter weaves to the front, crosses over the white line and stops in FRONT of me.

I did a bad thing not long ago - I eased forward and just as the lights were about to change, reached over, removed his keys and threw them under a parked car. Grinned for hours after that!


Original Poster:

8,456 posts

283 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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not bad - just bloody funny - make it perfect by saying he was one of those pratts who wear there helmets half off their heads !!

perfect !!!


13,382 posts

273 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I did a bad thing not long ago - I eased forward and just as the lights were about to change, reached over, removed his keys and threw them under a parked car. Grinned for hours after that!
My Hero...