85mph and a 12-month ban??!!

85mph and a 12-month ban??!!



Original Poster:

27,428 posts

284 months

Wednesday 14th February 2001
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Somebody please tell me they're not serious!


7,582 posts

289 months

Thursday 15th February 2001
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They are unless you're Jack Straw-for-Brains driver


2,748 posts

289 months

Thursday 15th February 2001
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Where? What conditions? What was the limit? Etc.


Original Poster:

27,428 posts

284 months

Thursday 15th February 2001
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It was to have been a blanket ban for anyone caught doing 85 mph in a 70 zone. I see from the press today however that they've dropped the idea. Good!


1,905 posts

286 months

Thursday 15th February 2001
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Vote the F*****s out! I recommend the Monster Raving Loony party.


16,369 posts

289 months

Thursday 15th February 2001
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The shadow transport minister has just called for the limit on the myway to be raised to 80 !!! although strictly enforced... mmmm maybe they arnt so stupid, or maybe they aspire to drive somthing more interesting than dear Tosser's (oops i ment to say) Tony's MPV!!


26 posts

288 months

Friday 16th February 2001
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Since all governments seem so obsessed with speed on motorways and dual carriage ways(who has ever seen a speed camera outside a school or sheltered housing),why dont they stop mincing around and just make it compulsary for all cars to have a 70mph limiter so that their control freak tendencies can have full reign-in fact why don't they fit us with 24 hour moniters so they know were we are at all times(you know-just in case).How about making any engine over 1.1 illegal???? What is their F****** problem!!!!!????

Jason F

1,183 posts

289 months

Friday 16th February 2001
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Actually, just about 1 week ago I spotted a Speed Trap diligently manned and just 50 yards from a school... Shame it was a SATURDAY. ( And I say TRAP cause the damn camera was hidden Behind the unmarked Police car )


34,443 posts

308 months

Friday 16th February 2001
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why dont they stop mincing around and just make it compulsary for all cars to have a 70mph limiter so that their control freak tendencies can have full reign-in fact
It was suggested in a consultation document that John Prescott published when they first came to power.


89,361 posts

289 months

Friday 16th February 2001
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Of course government cars will be excluded.....


26 posts

288 months

Saturday 17th February 2001
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No wonder there's no British car industry left with all the NUMPTIES who have come and gone over the years in the in the corridors of power.I can see a growth in track days-but since these seem to be noise limited already perhaps in time they might enforce speed limits too!! Formula One on milk floats anyone?


397 posts

287 months

Monday 19th February 2001
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Surely the only way to address this must be comparison with other countries. Do many more people get hurt on German motorways than do on UK ones? There must be statistics around clearly showing the real effect of speed on the number of accidents. I may be totally wrong but I do not think that many more people (on a per million basis or so) die on German roads then do in speed-limited countries. I'm not saying all speed limits should be abolished - obviously in-town limits are sensible - but I do not think there have been unbiased and fair comparisons. Same thing goes for e.g. driving tests - do less people get hurt in countries with stricter tests (Ted)? For those of you in the pharma business, a comparative, retrospective trial is what we need. Surely someone can figure out from all available statistics what is the relation. No more of these authority/green folks driven demagogic statements (or, from the other side, no more diametrically opposed ABD-speak as well). Only hard facts and statistics, please.


34,443 posts

308 months

Monday 19th February 2001
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Trouble is, no-one is taking any notice of the hard facts. There seems little doubt to anyone who's paying any attention, that the Government's figures of speed being a major factor in n% of accidents has been misproved. Yet it makes no difference, as every keeps quoting these ludicrous figures. The public is being brainwashed with false figures and it's working.


11,384 posts

289 months

Monday 19th February 2001
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How about every motor vehicle is controlled by means of a transponder to the prevailing speed limits. These limits could be routinely monitored and changed to, for example, limit vehicles to 10mph around schools from 30 mins before the children arrive/leave to 30 mins after the cildren arrive/leave. It could also be used around roadwork/dangerous roads to limit speed in bad weather conditions. I'm sure most of us would accept this IF (<-- big if) the government also used the system to RAISE limits when it is safe to do so: i.e. 30mph outside schools on evenings and weekends; 80/85mph on empty motorways at 2am. But then that would raise two issues: 1) from where would the government recoup it's lost revenue? 2) would the manufacturer of a vehicle be liable for correct/accurate calibration of said speed control unit and for any fine incurred from incorrect setting?


2,748 posts

289 months

Monday 19th February 2001
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Just come back from a couple of days in France, and found the whole driving experience so much nicer there. Things that worked: reasonable limit in the dry (130kmh/82mph) coupled with a lower wet limit. Much better stopping distances left (for the most part). Waaaaay better lane discipline (true of Belgium/Germany too). Traffic was flowing faster, but in a more relaxed fashion, if that makes sense, But when I got off the Chunnel onto the M20, it felt like the world had gone totally loopy by comparison. So: yeah, the focus on speed seems all wrong, or at least an "easy fix." Oh... the Indiana Jones roller coaster at Disneyflap Paris now goes backwards. Recommended. I think... Just don't eat lunch before going on it!


40,062 posts

289 months

Tuesday 20th February 2001
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Same here I was gunned outside a school on a saturday
Actually, just about 1 week ago I spotted a Speed Trap diligently manned and just 50 yards from a school... Shame it was a SATURDAY. ( And I say TRAP cause the damn camera was hidden Behind the unmarked Police car )


Original Poster:

27,428 posts

284 months

Tuesday 20th February 2001
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Don't some schools run activities on Saturdays, sports days and so on? Surely speeding outside schools is asking for trouble. Sorry to take a 'right on' slant on this!


470 posts

282 months

Saturday 3rd March 2001
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Surely the only way to address this must be comparison with other countries. Do many more people get hurt on German motorways than do on UK ones? I'm not a statistician but they tell me that the german autobahns are the safest roads in the world with the least accidents/mile. I drive LONG hours and have much more problems with sleep and tiredness on belgian motorways where I can drive - yawn - 130 km/h (approx. 80mph) than in Germany where I can drive as fast as I like. Speed itself does not kill. Wrong speed at wrong place does. 10mph can be too fast on a road where toddlers are playing. Rgds., WalterU


470 posts

282 months

Saturday 3rd March 2001
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Things that worked: reasonable limit in the dry (130kmh/82mph) coupled with a lower wet limit. Much better stopping distances left (for the most part). Waaaaay better lane discipline (true of Belgium/Germany too). Traffic was flowing faster, but in a more relaxed fashion, if that makes sense, But when I got off the Chunnel onto the M20, it felt like the world had gone totally loopy by comparison.
The lane discipline in UK drives me wild. What I really really hate are the idiots who drive in the middle lane at 70-75 on a TOTALLY EMPTY motorway. In France you can safely do 100 mph on a dry road wihthout running into serious problems with french plod. Rgds, WalterU