ads-new format


s3 bob

Original Poster:

74 posts

292 months

Monday 12th February 2001
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Sorry to be a moaning old git - preferred the old format for the car ads (it seemed clearer imho)


34,443 posts

311 months

Monday 12th February 2001
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ok, fair comment. It's just the first stage in a few improvements (changes?) to that part of the site.


34,443 posts

311 months

Monday 12th February 2001
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It's also intended to open up the area to a few more non-TVR ads (interesting cars only!).


34,443 posts

311 months

Tuesday 13th February 2001
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Bob, I've had a play and hopefully there's the best of both worlds now. If you click on 'TVR' for instance, you get the old format (but better granularity - e.g. it will say ad is 4 hours old) Now I must go to bed...

s3 bob

Original Poster:

74 posts

292 months

Tuesday 13th February 2001
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Thanks Ted