MSN Messenger and Firewalls.



Original Poster:

11,430 posts

277 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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We're running WinProxy on the server, but cant get any of the network PC's to run MSN messenger - I can't make head not tail of the MSN help files, and teh WinProxy ones are no better - does anyone else run this set up and know how to configure things properly


Dave M


3,608 posts

256 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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mondeoman said:
We're running WinProxy on the server, but cant get any of the network PC's to run MSN messenger - I can't make head not tail of the MSN help files, and teh WinProxy ones are no better - does anyone else run this set up and know how to configure things properly


Dave M

Have a different set-up here, using ISA server as a firewall. Just had a look in the settings, since I can use MSN messenger @ work and found:-

Port 1863 open for TCP outbound (MSN Messenger)
Port 569 open for TCP Outbound (MSN)

Hence if you can open port 1863 (maybe the other one) then this may do the trick.


51 posts

295 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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Don't know if it'll help, but where I work almost every firewall port is closed. So we had to manage a way to get msn going. The solution was a proxy server (aps098) in my PC that converts the msn traffic into HTTP traffic. This proxy can connect to proxys that require authentication.

So, I have msn working without even changing the rules of the proxy. the soft is very simple. python is a requirement. then configure the cfg file. put a link to the start batch file (which might need simple path tweeking) in your windows startup and forget about it.

I can send you the soft by email (105 Kb) if you want so.
