Recommendations for a Video Camera around £500.

Recommendations for a Video Camera around £500.



Original Poster:

5,094 posts

259 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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Planning to pick one up in the sales (so it may cost £600 curently).

Must be digital and I want to be able to output to my lap top or PC.

Advice welcome.


34,445 posts

314 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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I got a JVC EK90 or somesuch. Very good and a very good price thanks to a very helpful man of many words on this site.

Fishy Dave

1,076 posts

256 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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I have gone for the Canon MV630i, see results
I'm really pleased with it, bought it from PC world for about £400ish on sale.


Original Poster:

5,094 posts

259 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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PetrolTed said:
I got a JVC EK90 or somesuch. Very good and a very good price thanks to a very helpful man of many words on this site.

Ah, the man who thinks that an M5 simply isnt fast enough.

Does he advertise through the site?

I'll take a look at that Cannon FishyDave

>> Edited by XM5ER on Friday 19th December 09:56


11,823 posts

295 months

Friday 19th December 2003
quotequote all
PetrolTed said:
I got a JVC EK90 or somesuch. Very good and a very good price thanks to a very helpful man of many words on this site.



It's an excellent piece of kit for the dosh. Internet prices are well under retail.


8,290 posts

259 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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Just a personal opinion, but JVC kit at this end of the market tends not to be as good as others.

At the Pro end of the market, JVC are right up there, but at the budget end, Canon and Sony kit tend to have better lenses on them.


2,875 posts

293 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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I've got SONY TRV14 which is great apart from no DV IN! Connects Via USB or FireWire

Got a price match at Jessops with a print out from this site

The Link above is next model up TRV19 with DV in/out, very compact and a CArl Zeiss Lens.

Well hope that helps.

>> Edited by trevorw on Friday 19th December 23:17