help - skiing photos



Original Poster:

6,339 posts

280 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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Any of you got any specific tips for those of us heading out to the slopes in the new year.

Every year I take a whole pile of photos, and sometimes the come out ok, but mostly I end up with a bunch of dot like skiiers heading down a large white background with no definition.

Are there any specific tips for taking pictures in snow? Or is it that my camera (kyocera 3.2MPix auto everything cannon ixus style thing) just isn't up to the job? Would it be worth getting something like a sony DSCf717 to give more control / zoom etc?

simpo two

88,031 posts

276 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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mr_tony said:
but mostly I end up with a bunch of dot like skiiers heading down a large white background with no definition.

If the figures are too small you must either get closer or use a longer lens (telephoto). If you want digital compacts. there's an Olympus with a 10x optical zoom (equivalent to 300mm on 35mm film I think). Or of course an SLR with interchangeable lenses.


Original Poster:

6,339 posts

280 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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Cheers Simpo, I will check out the olympus.
It's always a trade off though when you're skiing between weight / bulk and enjoying your skiing.

I think this year I'll probably set aside a couple of days (Weather dependant) just to (try to!) take decent photos.

top forum this - already checked the winter thread and think I've picked up some tips there which will be useful too.


4,546 posts

264 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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If you're taking pics in snow, and of snow scenes, the camera if on auto exposure, will try and compensate for the scene being bright, and effectivly underexpose the shot. The result being that the snow doesnt look white. Try altering the exposure so it lets more light in, in other words, the snow will look white as it should do.

simpo two

88,031 posts

276 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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Actually there are 3 with 10x zoom, though not all might be available in the UK: 730, 740 and 750. Find it all here:

Not the prettiest but that is a very handy lens!


131 posts

261 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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Taking pix in snow, especially in sunlight, make sure to dial in aroudn +1 to +1-1/2 stops exposure compensation to get the snow white. That's if the snow takes up a large part of the scene. Winter skies are roughly middle gray in value.

To avoid the "flat" look, take your pictures mostly when the lighting across the slope is from the side. So if the skiers are on a south-facing slope for example, wait with the "big picture" shots until closer to evening when the sun is low in the sky and the shadows are longer. This will bring out the texture and shapes in the snow. At other times, get close up and fill the frame with the skier.


3,005 posts

295 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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change to avergae focus when snowing as well.. I have a whole pile of crisp sharp images of snowflakes that fell in front of the auto focus...