How does an ASP chat room work?

How does an ASP chat room work?



Original Poster:

1,574 posts

276 months

Tuesday 16th December 2003
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Can somebody please explain exactly how a simple ASP chat room works?

From the connection to the holding variables and stuff?



34,445 posts

314 months

Wednesday 17th December 2003
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Usually there's a database behind it so it consists of pages to pull the data out of the database and format it appropriately.

The input side is simply a set of forms that capture the data and then insert it into the database.

Here endeth today's massive oversimplificiation


10,430 posts

259 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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thats a forum tho isn't it Ted? A chat room is an entirely different beast. is a good place to start and have a play, you'd also do well to look through the documentation/actual notes comments for an idea of how it works.