Lucky Boy!



Original Poster:

3,829 posts

280 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Most people on here have seen or at least heard about Mel and NickM exploits on Horse and Hound over the last few months!

Mel's signature appears to be "Keep Poo off the Road".

I have to say, after an experience I had tonight I agree!
My uncle lives on farmland next to the coast, I popped in on my way home, I left his place a half 10 ish and proceeded up a straight country road! This road is as straight as a Roman Ruler! I had full beam lights on, and all the usual paraphinalia, but still didn't see the big diry lump of horse sh*t covering half the road! I hit it at siy and I xthave to say I was VERY VERY lucky! In my new car as well! I got away with it without any probs! No damage at all!
Hit it, it flicked the car up on two wheels, I have no idea how I did it but got the car on all 4's but couldn't prevent the, luckily harmless, spin!
This got me thinking about Horse and Hound exploits! They claim they do no harm. I don't even want to think about the possible outcomes of my incident! The car could have rolled, flipped, gone through a dry stone wall, I didn't even get a chance to hit the brakes! It's safe to say I escaped with my life tonight! And for those stuck-up rich bitches to go on about drivers! I was doing the Speed limit at night, no horses, no cyclists, no walkers, even the f*cking sheep were asleep!
Was I in the wrong! Should I have been going slower? If so, by how much?? Is it the riders responsibility to ensure the poop isn't in the middle of the road? or the drivers to avoid it??

If I, as my uncle is normally, on a motorbike at that speed, I wouldn't be writing this now! I would have become a Statistic and a 'Victim of speed' or so the Gov and the media would have you believe!!!

A road network with horses and cars is a very dangerous place and anyone who can't see and accept this is a danger to themselves!!!!

Sorry, just had to get this off my chest. (as you could probably understand)



15,605 posts

274 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Tvradict think we will have to join mel on the H&H site wind em up a bit ,
Down here in Dorset we have a fair old few of these stuck up horse riding morons
and people from london etc who have a second home down here for weekends they come down in there sh1tty 4x4s with countryside alliance listen to us stickers in the rear window The only time these morons come to the countryside is the weekends what the hell do they know about life out here
Bloody outsiders !!!!!


10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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So you've had a real experience go over and have a rant about it !

By the way most of the incidents I rant about to the pony troting tossers are totally fictional but get a response, the closest I ever came to being off a bike due to shite was actually a farmer who had "forgotten" to shut down the spreader as he pulled out of the field I would winge on the NFU site but they haven't got a forum


5,089 posts

273 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Are you sure it was horse poo? Having shovelled a fair amount of the stuff myself I'd be surprised it would be enough to put you on 2 wheels. Without going into too many details, horse poo is soft - your wheels would go straight through it, not over it. It could have frozen I suppose...

Anyway - why the anti-horse stuff? People on horses and bicycles etc have just as much right to use the roads as anyone else. Sure there are some inconsiderate horse riders, just as there are inconsiderate drivers but you don't need to tar them all with the same brush.

The ones that annoy me are those that ride two abreast down a road, or who don't acknowledge or thank you for slowing down/passing with plenty of room.

Also most horseriders I know would rather not ride on the roads anyway - if they have to they try to go out at less busy times of the day and steer clear of busy or fast roads where possible. Its no fun for them having a load of cars flying past, any more than its irritating for you to be held up by them.

I can see why motorcyclists don't like horse poo - but surely its just another hazard like mud, ice, painted lines, cats eyes or standing water? Not something to start an anti-horse movement over?


2,745 posts

279 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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So you've had a real experience go over and have a rant about it !

What the Hell is that site? What is the URL please?


10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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From my point of view it's nothing personal I don't even hate horses it's just the H&H people bite so willingly and get so irrate it's beyond belief. I suppose the truth is it entertains my childish sense of humour to offend these people


2,690 posts

273 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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People on horses have as much right to be on the road do they. Haven't noticed many tax discs on the dirty little shitters recently.


6,809 posts

284 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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I have to admit that horsey types do get up my nose. I frequently, well every day, I use a back road to get home, and there are often horse riders on this road - I always slow down, try to keep the engine quiet, give'em a wide berth etc. What happens? I get scowls, hands waving in a "slow down" motion, frequent shouts of "slow down" etc. This is from people sat 7' in the air, riding a 2 ton beast - they can see me coming a lot better than I can see them. The road has a 10' grass verge, but these people trot along in the middle of the road. It's not the horses, it's the attitude that "I'm riding a horse, therefore I'm better than you,give way to me" etc. they are subject to exactly the same traffic laws as we drivers, and they have bridleways to go on - I HATE HORSEY PEOPLE LIKE THAT!

>> Edited by nubbin on Tuesday 5th March 09:53


2,526 posts

289 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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But where are the threads??


10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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"talkback" then "latest news" or I've just done one in "Hunting debate"


1,100 posts

276 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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I've just done one in "Hunting debate"

Liked it. Very droll!


10,857 posts

273 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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I've just done one in "Hunting debate"

You're a funny man !!! Are you going to follow it up with one on bare knuckle fighting ?


10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Maybe Badger or better still Bear baiting. Cock fighting seems a little too dull.


6,358 posts

277 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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People on horses and bicycles etc have just as much right to use the roads as anyone else.

Maybe they do, but SHOULD they have the right? I pay 3 lots of road tax from my cars & motorbike. I also ride mtb, but I don't consider that too outrageous - considering how much I put into the system!!

Other interesting point, my m'bike tax disk says "taxation class: bicycle". Hmmm. Why do I pay tax on it then, and not my mtb ??????

And who on earth in their right mind would allow horses on a road, if it was not already enshrined in English law? No tax, insurance, MOT, or anything. Immune to most traffic laws, and can getaway over fields if the horse kicks a car door in.... as I witnessed once.


>> Edited by hertsbiker on Tuesday 5th March 11:47

steve harrison

461 posts

273 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Oh boy, this is priceless

"Turn the thing into something useful like glue"

Sorry guys, I'm physically crying with laughter here

"I don't understand what you are doing replying to my posting and why are even on this site!"

Ah diddums, did nasty mel and nonegreen write horrid things on your web site? Naughty, naughty men Why don't you go and give your horse a big hug until you feel better. If it really loves you it might even s**t on your foot

Oh f**k, got to go, I think I've just p****d myself.


5,089 posts

273 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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I know this is a car forum not a horse one, so I guess I'm asking for it!!

Why ban horses from roads just because there are some riders out there who are rude and inconsiderate? And as for taxing them - you're not really serious are you? How on earth would you enforce it?

I'd like to see you MOT a horse! More seriously though, perhaps there should be a test before someone is allowed to ride a horse on a road? At the moment anyone can get on any horse and ride on a road - even if they are completely incompetent and incapable of controlling the horse.

Having said that, most people have a self preservation streak in them - generally speaking the one most at risk from an out of control horse on a road full of cars is the person on the horse!

Insurance - most horse riders have public liability (or third party) insurance - and if they don't they damned well should have. I for one would be very pleased to see this made compulsory. But remember - insurance is already compulsory for cars yet there are loads of people out there driving uninsured and causing damage. Actually that's a good point - on these grounds we should ban cars from the roads!!

I don't know. You'll be saying I can't drive my Sinclair C5 on the roads next....

Just off to have a look at Horse and Hounds (or Horse and Horse as it will become soon if the government has its way...)


Original Poster:

3,829 posts

280 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Are you sure it was horse poo? Having shovelled a fair amount of the stuff myself I'd be surprised it would be enough to put you on 2 wheels. Without going into too many details, horse poo is soft - your wheels would go straight through it, not over it. It could have frozen I suppose...

That was my initial reaction, but there is a stable just down the road from this big dirty lump! It was horse poo! The fact that I got a nice print of my tyre tread in it tells me it was frozen, living on the coast it gets very cold at night, and my car isn't light, so to be able to flick it onto two wheels, it must have been some sh*t!! Every other time I've driven through horse sh*t,l it's just been splattered all over the place, usually up the side of the car, you can't even tell I hit some now!!! No marks, nothing!! It doesn't make any sense!!!!

Mark Benson

7,727 posts

275 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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OK, this is probably going to get me arse flamed but I ride my girlfriends horse on the road most weekends.
I am also a passionate driver, have been ever since I was a kid, horses only came along with the current girlfriend.
But I hope it gives me enough perspective to see things from both sides.

First things first, if I could go anywhere but on the road I would, I only use the road when there is no alternative, every other horse rider I know feels the same. Problem is that bridlepaths are becoming few and far between, even in rural Wiltshire where I live. Farmers and landowners don't want oiks like me riding on their land in case we spoil the view and footpaths are strictly speaking out of bounds (although we will use them if the only other alternative is a main/busy road).

Next, riding two abreast. This never used to be necessary, in fact it's only fairly recently that many people have started doing this. The reason (apart from the arrogant few who think they own the road) is that cars approaching from behind will treat two horses as an obstacle to be passed safely, whereas many drivers seem to see one horse as an annoyance. If there is traffic coming in the opposite direction, too many drivers try to nip past the horse and pull in at the last minute rather than wait 20 seconds for the car in the other direction to pass. I'm sure many of you have had this happen when riding a bike, this is why you'll see many cyclists riding 2 or 3 abreast also.

Horseshit. I sincerely doubt that horseshit could ever get hard enough to put a car on two wheels unless it was fossilised. But I do see the problem for bikers and will kick anything the horse I'm riding shits into the verge where it'll make the flowers grow.

There are many horse owners about who are arrogant tossers, to be able to own a horse takes a certain amount of money and land unless you're lucky or prepared to sacrifice a lot (as my girlfriend does). I think many of the people who own horses were arrogant tossers first, not because of the horse (draw your own comparisons with BMW drivers....). I have seen a lot of prejudice against us 'pauper' riders, especially from the hunting 'set'. But there are a lot of us who aren't arrogant, I move onto the verge wherever possible, as much for my own protection as anything else. I thank anyone who slows down for me and gives me room when they pass.

But I'm sick of hearing the same old prejudiced 'rich bastard' 'think you own the road' crap I hear so often. I don't think I own the road, I'm acutely aware that the roads are for cars but unless the situation changes the only place I am forced to use the roads sometimes. If you don't or won't try to see both sides of the argument you're just as prejudiced and uninformed as the speed kills lobby in my view.

BTW, I'd be happy for hunting to be banned, in my 30-odd years of experience with hunting types they mostly are arrogant throwbacks who long for the days when the gentry owned the peasantry and could dictate their own laws. Poisoning, trapping and shooting would all be perfectly good ways of controlling foxes and certainly more effective than hunting.


Original Poster:

3,829 posts

280 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Horseshit. I sincerely doubt that horseshit could ever get hard enough to put a car on two wheels unless it was fossilised. But I do see the problem for bikers and will kick anything the horse I'm riding shits into the verge where it'll make the flowers grow.

I was really confused about this, the Shit was frozen, but looking back on it, there is no way what happened could have been caused be shit! No matter how big! I have just taken a run down there, to see exactly what it was in daylight, it was a mixture of horse shit, and some clay sort of substance, the horse shit has landed on top of this clay whch had been deposited by a tractor ir similar agricultural vehicle leaving the field next to it!!!
The shit had frozen on top of the clay stuff and what i had hit was this ridge of clay!!! But even then, it should have just gone straight through it!!


5,089 posts

273 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Steady on! I've got a BMW and I've just started riding horses.

That means you lot are in serious trouble if I get out on a road on a horse as by definition I must be the biggest tosser there is!!! Presumably the tosser quotient will reduce when I sell the BMW and get the planned Griffith?

Mark - just like you - always been into cars and now the other half, (who like yours, makes sacrifices to own her horse) has persuaded me to start riding.

There seem to be a lot of nice people in the horse world, but as in all walks of life, also some twats.