Excel help - Text to number
If there is always a space between the amount and the DR or CR then you can do the following.
Select the whole column then click on Data > Text to columns. A dialog box will open. On step 1 select the Delimited option, On step 2 put a tick in the space option, Step 3 should show you how the data will be split, which in your case should be a column of currency amounts and a column of CR or DR text.
You will now need to convert one of the CR or DR amounts to negatives, to do this select a cell next to the Text and enter a formula like =IF(B1="CR",A1,0-A1) and copy it down the column (In this case all DR amounts will be negative).
Hope this helps!
>> Edited by TheGroover on Monday 15th December 10:37
Select the whole column then click on Data > Text to columns. A dialog box will open. On step 1 select the Delimited option, On step 2 put a tick in the space option, Step 3 should show you how the data will be split, which in your case should be a column of currency amounts and a column of CR or DR text.
You will now need to convert one of the CR or DR amounts to negatives, to do this select a cell next to the Text and enter a formula like =IF(B1="CR",A1,0-A1) and copy it down the column (In this case all DR amounts will be negative).
Hope this helps!
>> Edited by TheGroover on Monday 15th December 10:37
leosayer said:
That's it , cheers Groover (and BigAl)- I spent ages looking for that yesterday.
No problem mate

If you need to do this again try using this macro which I wrote 'cos I'm bored !
Sub ConvertToNumber()
Dim strCellValue As String
Dim curCellNewValue As Currency
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Select 'Cell in which to start
Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" 'go down the column until you reach a blank cell
strCellValue = ActiveCell.Value
If Right(strCellValue, 2) = "CR" Then 'This will make CR values negative.
'Amend to DR if required
curCellNewValue = 0 - CCur(Left(strCellValue, Len(strCellValue) - 2))
curCellNewValue = CCur(Left(strCellValue, Len(strCellValue) - 2))
End If
ActiveCell.Value = curCellNewValue
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
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