MS Word Help.



Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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I am currently reviewing the reporting system at my wifes school and want to revamp a couple of areas.
The reports are done in a Word document and the teacher simply types text into given boxes. Some of the boxes though require a tick and in the past we've given them the Character Map code to type in to the relevant field, what I'd like to do this time round is if possible they just click on the box they want the tick in and it appears.
I guess this is possible but don't know how - anyone?


16,442 posts

272 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Can't remember how - but have a look at the standard Word fax templates. One of them has it in (as a field code?)


34,445 posts

314 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Use form fields. That's the way to do the whole document really - as a form. That way they don't have to skirt around the text, they just tab from field to field. You can do check boxes and even drop down lists etc I think.

You insert form fields (including help text if necessary) and then 'Protect' the document as a form.


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Cheers, so do I create a Word document then Save As something else or is it a new template I should open?


34,445 posts

314 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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I save mine as templates having protected them for form filling.

Then I open a new file based on that template, tab through the form filling in the fields and save as the relavent document


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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OK so now working with Form Fields, I put a tickbox in (shown on the toolbar as a square with a tick in) and when I click or hit the space bar it puts a cross in the box!

Picky I know - but you know what teachers are like

Can I change the cross to a tick?


34,445 posts

314 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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I had this years ago when designing a system for a financial institution. They couldn't accept that marking a box indicated a positive reaction.

Don't know of a way of turning that into a tick.


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Odd though that Microsoft actually show the toolbar button with a bloody tick in it!


5,252 posts

278 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Instead of using forms if you use VBA you can have a check box with a tick in but im a bit rusty with VBA.

Any Word VBA Specialists Here



Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Tuesday 16th December 2003
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The only VB I've ever been interested is Version H but if this helps it could be useful.


34,445 posts

314 months

Tuesday 16th December 2003
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Personally I'd stick to forms. You - or anyone else - can put those together fairly easily.

Get into VB and you're heading down a much more technical route.


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Tuesday 16th December 2003
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You are right Ted. Even using forms is beyond my knowledge at the moment!

Previous comment was a rather lame attepmt at wit.

>> Edited by .Mark on Tuesday 16th December 09:07