Web Hosting PHP and MySQL



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Sunday 14th December 2003
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I am needing a Webhost (free), PHP 3/4 support and ~MySQL is required, i am developing a site and need to test it online for a month or so then will be going live in spring.



2,750 posts

295 months

Sunday 14th December 2003
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I can host you for free in the test phase - have PHP 4.1.2 (latest I can find for Cobalt RaQ) and a seperate MySQL server next to it.

Ummm, that said, it's just my server on my 1Mbit down/256kbit up cable modem. What's your traffic likely to be like?


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Sunday 14th December 2003
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Just me and a few colleges while we do some testing. and configuring.


12,425 posts

277 months

Sunday 14th December 2003
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Why not set up your own? Software is open source, and you can even test it on your own PC


9,396 posts

269 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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I assume this is for oSCommerce software, as you probably already know we have alot of experience with this system, we can host you cheaply but not free


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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dontlift said:

I assume this is for oSCommerce software, as you probably already know we have alot of experience with this system, we can host you cheaply but not free

Hi i just wanted to test it against another sitea college has done for usability and flexibility. before we go live.



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Bodo said:
Why not set up your own? Software is open source, and you can even test it on your own PC

Bodo i have not had a great deal of success with setting up a web server on my computer here. FTP fine but not a web server.

Anyways have you got any links for the open source software there by chance..

My hosting contract has just expired and am looking for a new host for spring next year (dontlift i will get in touch nearer the time to save confusion).



12,425 posts

277 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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stc_bennett said:
Anyways have you got any links for the open source software there by chance..

webserver Apache: www.apache.org/
database mySQL: www.mysql.com/
scripting libs: www.php.net/

All available for Windows IIRC.

When you want a more similar environment to the provider's webserver (which is likely to be Unix/Linux - Donlift, what is on your webservers?), you may install a Linux on an old PIII box, or on your PC alongside Windows.
SuSE Linux 9.0 Pro for instance, offers a graphical setup tool for both, OS installation and webserver configuration. When bought in a package, it comes with two handbooks, which contain a brief insight into Apache/CGI amongst other details of the environment. You may later use it as well for secure remote maintaining of your webserver with SSH or ftp services that are part of the installation.
You don't need to buy the distribution package however, it is available as ftp installation from

Once set up, you can test it from the same machine, from other PCs within your LAN or via internet with a fixed IP or dynamic DNS


9,396 posts

269 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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We use redhat linux on most of our webservers, and do not use particularly recent versions of PHP / Apache / MySQL etc this is always one to watch for when moving from Dev onto a webserver


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Ok its been a long day, installed Apache and MySQL

I am either thick or cant see past my nose but where is the directory to publish a website to.

In IIS its in inetpubwwwroot

where is it in apache

I am near to quitting for the day but i gotta get this done.



2,750 posts

295 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Apache installed (on my windows box) in c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache

Main server config in conf/httpd.conf

Content in conf/htdocs

Did you get my mail, btw?


9,294 posts

276 months

Tuesday 16th December 2003
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Steve, if this is only for a short term project, and its low usage, let me know if you dont get the results you need on local host.

I am sure I could sort a temp home for a PH fellow


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Tuesday 16th December 2003
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Cheers Jamie,

Marshy has got it all setup nicey at the moment.

But going to do a presentation tomm on the usability of it to the other partners and if they dont like it that idea is in the Bin.

Cheers Steve


10,430 posts

259 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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I read osCommerce there we're using it for our coursework as well, marvellous thing it is too

Doesn't look much like osCommerce now tho. Can't be done for copying can we it's fully referenced and documented, thats only a joke.


801 posts

273 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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what is osCommerce?


9,396 posts

269 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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