How do you set an IPAQ 3800 to go on the internet?

How do you set an IPAQ 3800 to go on the internet?



Original Poster:

507 posts

269 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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I cant find any info on this, Im on Orange and have a Seimens S55 and a Nokia 6310i on Vodafone.


4,427 posts

272 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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I'll bring this back to the top.

I have a iPaq and a nokia 8850. It'll connect to the internet using the IR port, but soon hangs up before I get a chance to do anything.

I havn't a clue how to do it either, so can anyone help or how do you connect?


1,143 posts

288 months

Thursday 18th December 2003
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1. Make sure the phone you are using has it's data line enabled (you'll get a separate number for this). Speak to your provider, explain what you're trying to do. It's free (certainly was when I set mine up 5 years ago, and IIRC it still is).

2. Decide how your iPaq will 'talk' to the phone (ie Bluetooth or IR). The principle is the same but just requires a different modem to be selected. In both cases:

- Go to setttings > Connections > Connections
- Select modify (under Internet Settings)
- Select new to create a new connection
- Give the connection a name (ie NTL dialup)
- Select the modem, IR=Generic IRDA Modem or Bluetooth=Bluetooth Dialup Modem
- Leave the baud rate as is
- Hit next
- Enter your dialup phone number
- Hit finish

Make sure Bluetooth or IR is enabled on your phone (if you're using bluetooth then its a bit more complicated since you'll need to 'bond' the iPaq and phone)

When you attempt to dial up, check the number that is displayed since you might need to fettle with the dialing format properties (settings > connections > connections > Dialing locations)

Chances are you've done part 2 OK but failed on hurdle 1 (like most people).

Check out is aimed at GPRS modem setup, but the concept is the same.


>> Edited by fatsteve on Thursday 18th December 01:13