Which Laptop?



Original Poster:

2,505 posts

295 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Looking at buying a new laptop (and don't know much about them, almost always used desktops), thinking of going the easy route with Dell, but not sure whether to get a 1.4 Pentium 'M' or 2.4 Celeron. Its not important to have the smallest lightest one. Which will be better?


63 posts

255 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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id go with the M P4. IMO a better bet, and designed for use with a portable.


12,058 posts

275 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Definately pentium, don't want to burn your legs with a celery.


1,323 posts

278 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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I've just bought a Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 for £549.00 (managed to dodge the vat)
Seems pretty good.


11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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IBM all the way. Pricey but well worth it.

Email me off line if you like I can get some 'deals' for friends and family. They are not usually excellent on price but you get extended warranty and support usually.


Original Poster:

2,505 posts

295 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Cheers for that guys.

.Mark - YHM.