What is xD memory??



Original Poster:

9,854 posts

263 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Want to buy my father a digital camera for Christmas this year the one I want to get takes xD cards. What type of card is this???

I thought there was Smart Media, MMC and Memory sticks?


simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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My Olympus Mju takes xD cards. They are really, really stupidly tiny - 24 x 19 x 2mm.

(Mind you, to photograph one you have to put the card back in really fast...)

>> Edited by simpo two on Friday 12th December 15:58


11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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simpo two said:
...to photograph one you have to put the card back in really fast...)

My Fuji has those too, apparantly they are the way forward in camera storage funny that it's a bugger of a job to find a card reader for them. Not sure what they offer over the other storage types though as this is my first digital camera.

>> Edited by .Mark on Friday 12th December 16:25

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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.Mark said:
it's a bugger of a job to find a card reader for them. Not sure what they offer over the other storage types though as this is my first digital camera.

Call me thick but I don't know why people use card readers. I have a USB lead with one end plugged into the PC and the small end emerging in front of the printer. Plug and go!
As for 'the way ahead' I think they store the data very quickly, at least that's what I read somewhere.


Original Poster:

9,854 posts

263 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Right I shall off and buy one the camera today!


11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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simpo two said:

Call me thick but I don't know why people use card readers. I have a USB lead with one end plugged into the PC and the small end emerging in front of the printer. Plug and go!
As for 'the way ahead' I think they store the data very quickly, at least that's what I read somewhere.

Oi Thicky!
TBH Me either, it was more of a statement than actually wanting one, I too just download direct from the camera to the machine via USB. I think the point I was trying to make was if they are the way forward how come 'additions' are so hard to come by.

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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.Mark said:
I think the point I was trying to make was if they are the way forward how come 'additions' are so hard to come by.

Too bloody small to stick in the slot! Or maybe nobody's buying card readers...?


10,430 posts

259 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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you can buy PCMIA card adapters which then can be put into the Card reader Jessops and similar have them.

The cards have slightly slower load times than say a Sony Memory Stick, but use less battery power and can store upto a gig (dependent on the camera). They are also significantly cheaper.

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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docevi1 said:
you can buy PCMIA card adapters which then can be put into the Card reader Jessops and similar have them.

How about the Universal Adapter from the IBM advert that connects everything to everything. Except in Europe, when you need an adapter... priceless!