Iffy download times


simpo two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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I've been on ADSL broadband for about 10 days with no problems. Recently though it's started getting 'iffy', either going very slowly (eg dial-up speed or worse) or stopping altogther. It's very erratic. Sometimes closing the application and re-opening works, sometimes re-connecting does the trick.

I phoned the ISP tech support and they thought it might be the ADSL USM modem (Dabs Value) conflicting with other USB devices. Hard to believe as I haven't added anything extra, but they said an ADSL router would be better...

Can any IT blackbelts suggest the problem?


13,387 posts

264 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Does it happen at certain times of the day?

simpo two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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pmanson said:
Does it happen at certain times of the day?

Too early to say. It seems a bit better now than when I posted this. I'll keep you updated though.

simpo two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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OK, 5 mins ago it got slower than dial-up then seized up solid. 2-3 blobs on the staus bar and that was it. Got to the point where it gave 'site not found' point and e-mail wouldn't connect or authorize. Reconnected but no better.
Restarted and now it's OK. Watch this space!