Broadband - Spain



Original Poster:

498 posts

263 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Any idea of availablity / providers in the ex-pat and holiday areas in the south?

Pete Cros

285 posts

290 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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There are other sites that may help. Telephonica is not highly regarded, generallly refered to as supplying (sic) a third world service to a western european country.

I am building a house in the Jalon valley, no hope of getting a phone line, only radio phone link. The house will be remote, so probably acceptable.

There are huge costa developments without phone lines, I kid you not. Owners are desperate for a workable internet solution. There are many business with only a supposedly 56k modem connections.

Wanadoo is the main ISP, but takes (90% of the time) 3 days to deliver email. Again, this isn't a joke, I receive/send emails to Wanadoo addresses weekly.

Where abouts in Spain will you be?


4,330 posts

281 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Funny, my mate just outside Valencia has no problems, can even game over his 56k dial up. Gets a good spanking from us on BB but that'll learn him for marrying a Spanish bird

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Sounds like Spain needs to get some more free money from the EC (ie us)


Original Poster:

498 posts

263 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Orihuela, Alicante region.

Seems to be available in the region, will have to get a phone installed and go from there. If only it were my place, not the MDs