DV Editing



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5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Got my DV Cam yesterdsay afternoon,

I have been using it to death for my promotional Videos, But I didnt relise how much space the Uncompressed Video takes up.

Now i am going through the the videos can anyone recommend Compression Setting and Software.

My preference is to keep the Resolution as high as possible as this will be burnt onto DVD and played on 42" Plasma.



16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Hard disks are cheap these days


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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I have got 16 DV tapes of stuff from my and colleges Cam, Plus we have got another 50 or so Tapes of video to go through.

HD are cheap but not for Laptops. Already have a lacie USB 200 gig HD



90,135 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Save your video off in full uncompressed DV format and edit. Then save off again in DV format.

Make sure your PC's HD is NTFS not FAT32 formatted or you'll only be able to save off 4GB at a time. 4GB per 1/2 hour of film. (You can convert your HDD to NTFS though without losing everything).

If you want to use compression choose DivX or XVid compression, easy to do with a tool like VirtualDUB MOD which you can download of the Net for free. Make sure you get VirtualDUB MOD (one of the latest versions and covers more functions and options). Encoding bitrate of around 1000kps will do fine, but try smaller samples and adjust for personal preference.

You'll also need some tools for converting to DVD format. Need any advice on them or do you already have that side settled?


9,854 posts

263 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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FWD I've been doing DVD editing for a while now and am just doing a showreel. Whenever I burn to DVD and play back the video stutters slighty every few seconds. Sometimes it's not really noticeable, but it is getting annoying now. Only on this one showreel I am trying to do, and only with the captured footage. The footage plays back fine on my computer but just not when I burn. I have checked the PAL and FPS settings, but still no joy.

Am using ULead DVDEXpress, but I do have other progs if you can reccomend one.


90,135 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Thing to do is create the VOB files on your HDD to playback via your DVD player to check before burning. I don't use anything other than NERO to burn DVD's like that. It might be a setting within ULead DVDEXpress but I've never used it or have it to check.


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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I have got Nero latest version, adobe premiere 6, after effects.

I had vertual lab but unistalled it a few weeks ago.

I am making some promotion Videos approx 5min in length each, so if i can get away with CDR as VCD i will do but i have a dvd writer.



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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I may be being thick here but how do i create VOB Files?


90,135 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Depends on what you are going to be playing the film on. Since DVD player compatibility is a mine field. Some will play DVD+R but not -R (other way round too) some will play both. Not all DVD players will play CDR/VCD either despite what people may say.

VCD's will be smaller but poor quality if you are selling something and it's only a 5 min clip use DVD and bump the encoding bitrate up.

Do you have Premiere 6.5 as this has the MPEG2 export engine? If not you'll need something to convert the AVI to MPEG2 format. Then something to convert the MPEG2 to DVD writable VOB files.


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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FWD, I am doing the main editing on my laptop, Best PC i got (P4 3.2 1Gig Ram), but the encoding and Burning will be done on my other machine.

I am thinking of attending a exibition next year to promote my business, I have got the stand book and things are going ahead to plan at the moment.

I am making 10 Mini promotional Videos to be played on the stand and to be given out at promotional material.

The videos onthe stand will be stored on a Server not DVD so Compression is not a problem. But i am a little concerned if the server goes down i will have to revert to a backup DVD.

I have 4 Plasma 42" Screens on the Stand plus 2 interative Computer points with Touch Screens.



90,135 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Sounds very good, I'd make up one backup DVD just in case then and then stick the handouts on CD (probably have to compress that) as it's cheaper then set them to autorun to full screen (or near to full screen with black borders) on their PC's.

With 10 promotional films to choose from you might want to look at creating a front end menu to keep it looking professional when you change over the films. Most editing suites have menu capabilities in them. But a front end can always be made up using any coding, something like an HTML page would probably be the easiest to create.