Management Tests



Original Poster:

13,338 posts

291 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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On behalf of Racegirl..........

I'm not 100% sure what shes after (nothing new there) but it's something about management aptitude tests thats she's got to sit sometime soon, so anyone sat one of these, or got any links to them?

racegirl said:
"The Advanced Testing Pack contains numerical, verbal, data interpretation and diagrammatic tests.

I know Saville & Holdsworth Ltd do them but you can't down load them.
Anybody got anything similar sat on their PC."


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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696 posts

271 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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It needs to be based on an Analyst role, PSL were based more around branch managers etc, but thanks for the help so far x

Edited to type Analyst correctly, good start for the new job!

>> Edited by racegirl on Thursday 11th December 10:48