spam laws



Original Poster:

3,198 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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according this
the new anti spam laws that come into affect today say:

"The laws make it a criminal offence to send e-mails or text messages unless the recipient has agreed in advance to accept them. "

doesnt this apply to any emails you sent - since when do you ask a friend permission to send a mail before sending it??

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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I gues that if they've given you their e-mail address that's effectively agreeing to receive e-mails from you. The anti-spam laws are to stop nuisance spam, which of course they won't, any more than the rules about small businesses getting paid in 30 days. Just shows you the politicians don't have a clue about anything except talking bollox and trying to get re-elected.

Mr E

22,319 posts

270 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Indeed. A UK/Euro law isn't going to stop a sever in Nigeria spamming everyone to death.


48,927 posts

259 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Mr E said:
Indeed. A UK/Euro law isn't going to stop a sever in Nigeria spamming everyone to death.

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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You can't say that, it's racist! Go to prison and stay there for 200 years!

Boosted LS1

21,198 posts

271 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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I heard about this on a radio programm today. The new law won't stop the stuff from the US either. They reckon that 50% of email in circulation is spam! I'd love to exact revenge on the gits doing it or the companies selling the products.

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Boosted LS1 said:
I'd love to exact revenge on the gits doing it or the companies selling the products.

They caught one a few months ago - Australian? He'd done very nicely out of it and was filmed walking outside his house being hounded by the press. He complained his privacy was being invaded.
Like he doesn't invade ours??? Diddums.