PC as a hands free phone



Original Poster:

12,820 posts

265 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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Using XP Pro.

In my home office I have my phone plugged into the modem (as well as the phone line).

Is there a way I can use my PC as a handsfree phone when the modem is not otherwise being used?
Can I then record the calls too?

And what happened to phone dialer?
(Im probably a bit out of date here as I dont remember seeing it since 95!).

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months


Original Poster:

12,820 posts

265 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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Have you tried it?
Can I download the webphone and then not use it on freeserves account dial up?

I only want the hands free bit for when Im calling an annoying automated service or when I get the "a customer representitive will be with you as soon as possible or after their lunch break, which ever is longer".