Sorting in Excel!... Argh...



Original Poster:

120 posts

264 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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Hi there,

I'm alittle stuck on Excel

Trying to sort these 2 columns (in black, see pictures), however I need the checkboxes to change or move in co-ordination with this sort, or I need some method of getting round the problem of loosing which names were crossed off (marked by the checkboxes, which correspond to the hidden sheet in the 2nd picture)

Forumla boxes for the names are linked to a table on a hidden page, i.e. "=Source!F4"

I tired to use conditional formatting, but without the checkboxes being sorted aswell it was useless, after the sort the names which had now moved into the cells corresponding to a checkbox were selected and those that had been shifted were no longer.

What I'm really after is ability to sort and have the checkboxes move in correspondence!


1,024 posts

286 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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Are you sorting the source or the output?
If you sort the source I think it should work OK, so long as the names on the black sheet are linked to the cells in the source and the checkboxes themselves have no 'name' attribute set.

This will obviously not work if you need the two columns on the display sheet to remain as distinct groups. If that is the case then you will need to split the source into 2 columns as well.

In either case you need to sort the source rather than the display.


4,001 posts

293 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Why don't you ditch the checkboxes and put a simple Yes and O/S for the payments. You could use conditional formatting to make the outstandins red etc and the yes green or suchlike.


Original Poster:

120 posts

264 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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TheGroover I'll try that.

Fish what is "Yes and O/S for the payments"

Cheers for the help, I'll tinker with it after lunch