Kazaa Lite question



Original Poster:

18,976 posts

266 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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I was told about this from somewhere else. If you go to: C:Program FilesKazaa LiteBannedIPs on windows explorer, there is like a whole list. From organisations such as the RIAA, the FBI, Sony etc.

If anyone else has kazaa lite i'd be interested to hear what they have in their file, and what exactly does this all this stuff mean?

Is this all the organisations that have been looking at my PC when it was connected to kazaa?


90,135 posts

295 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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Since Gator (GAIN) which is one of the annoying Spyware (adware) type thing is on there I'd say it was a list of IP address not to connect to.


Original Poster:

18,976 posts

266 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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I've got all sorts, the RIAA, FBI, Sony, Cyprus police

QuinnThe Eskimo

55 posts

257 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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where can i get Kazaa lite from, and is there a download accelerator that does the automatic find more sources lark for you?


24,460 posts

258 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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QuinnThe Eskimo said:
where can i get Kazaa lite from, and is there a download accelerator that does the automatic find more sources lark for you?



10,430 posts

259 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Kazaalite is no more, it got closed down by kazaa ironically enough. You can still get it from places if you can find the old download's tho. To be honest, it isn't really worth it nowadays

As for those files, well don't look in your hosts file ("c:windowssystem32hosts" no extension and I think it's system32 but it might be the root, can't remember now). Anyway, there is one almighty list of servers which are re-routed to your own internal ip (, the reason? It's a way of blocking ad servers, hence stopping the ads.


90,135 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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docevi1 said:
Kazaalite is no more, it got closed down by kazaa ironically enough. You can still get it from places if you can find the old download's tho. To be honest, it isn't really worth it nowadays

Wrong. KazaaLite uses the Kazaa network which is still working (online right now over 3million users currently online). And there will be more than one way to get the last version of KazaaLite, another P2P system will have it on it.


468 posts

255 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Just a hint for those fearing spyware:


I installed it, works fine. You would not believe what is on your pc, after the first scan. You can put anything to quarantaine, even registry entries. Tracking cookies and all that stuff is obligatory.


468 posts

255 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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...did i mention, that this is free for private usage???


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 11th December 2003
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Kazaa Lite still works perfectly and is still a rich source of content.

The Banned IP thing is to stop Kazaa clients from inside the RIAA, Federal Government plus other opposition firewalls gaining Kazaa access to look around the content of your machine so they can slap a lawsuit on you.