not wireless again!!
billb said:
want to set up a wireless network at a school starting small and then building up. can anyone recommend anyone that produces the whole range of products i'd need? am looking at dlink at the mo - anyone use their products?
For a cheap system, I would recommend either D-Link or Netgear. I have installed all Netgear's wireless NIC's, Access Points, Hubs and Wireless Routers, and they are both relatively inexpensive and easy to set up, providing you have a basic knowledge of networking.
However, the downside is that if you do have problems, Netgear's call-centre is in Delhi, and I have been on the phone (free) to them for over and hour trying to resolve a problem, which ended up in a new box as it was proved that the original was faulty.

I've done quite a few of these and basically Cisco kit works and alot of the rest doesnt...
steer very clear from usb stuff, as i've had lots of boot up timing problems with them.
if you can afford it i'd put cisco kit in aironet 350 access points and aironet cards.
we did try to do a budget install for someone with
net gear access points and netgear usb cards. utter shite..
replaced the usb cards with proper cisco and even with the netgear access point it works like a dream.
If you want to survey the site to see if things will work buy one access point and one lan card. their should be some monitoring s/w so ypou can see whats happening. set this up and then move the access point and lapdog to all the places you want to it to work.
thatway if it dont work then you've not wasted a huge amount of cash..
steer very clear from usb stuff, as i've had lots of boot up timing problems with them.
if you can afford it i'd put cisco kit in aironet 350 access points and aironet cards.
we did try to do a budget install for someone with
net gear access points and netgear usb cards. utter shite..
replaced the usb cards with proper cisco and even with the netgear access point it works like a dream.
If you want to survey the site to see if things will work buy one access point and one lan card. their should be some monitoring s/w so ypou can see whats happening. set this up and then move the access point and lapdog to all the places you want to it to work.
thatway if it dont work then you've not wasted a huge amount of cash..
pmanson said:
Solved the problem the other night by upgrading for XP Home to XP Pro
DOnt even bother attempting it with XP HOME a total waste of time...
I know one company that bought 100 lap dogs with XP home and then had to upgrade each one with a full price XP pro licence to get anything to work

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