Help,anyone got a Canon PS S50?

Help,anyone got a Canon PS S50?


Dunc B

Original Poster:

196 posts

284 months

Tuesday 9th December 2003
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OK,so I'm no good with computers ,but for some reason decided to get a digital camera!
Downloaded the pictures to ZoombrowserEX from there ,not a clue
I want to post pictures but going on to Canon Image Gateway just gives me a failed login every time!
I thought maybe i'd got the password wrong so e-mailed the "forgotten password" section,it says will send reminder.......nothing turns up!
I'm sure I should be able to suss this out without having to go the Fotango route as I've seen suggested to others,
any help would be greatly appreciated
Dunc(computer thicky)

Simpo Two

88,011 posts

276 months

Tuesday 9th December 2003
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It's not the camera you've got a problem with, it's hosting and uploading. I've only just figured this out myself!

You can use a Fotango-style host - there are several about, eg Or you can do it properly: get a domain name, some space and do it yourself (and get matching e-mail addy too!)

Which do you fancy?

Dunc B

Original Poster:

196 posts

284 months

Wednesday 10th December 2003
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Thanks for the reply Simpotwo,It would be good to hear from someone with Canon camera and software as it seems that Canon Image Gateway should host it for me,but I can't seem to get into it
Must try again soon when I have more time,Cheers