Spot the deliberate mistake?

Spot the deliberate mistake?


simpo two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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8,568 posts

294 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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Is it 4-speed or 5-speed though?

TT Tim

4,166 posts

258 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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Damb! I wanted one with a slush box.



131 posts

261 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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That's nothing, my Maxxum has a CVT


2,342 posts

259 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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The "Chino" camera above looks like it might get someone into trouble too !

simpo two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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te51cle said:
The "Chino" camera above looks like it might get someone into trouble too !

Very good price too, with that lens. Unfortunately the cutting is about a year old....