


Original Poster:

3,198 posts

276 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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anyone got a tablet pc? are they any good - need a new laptop and thinking is it worth having a tablet - any recommendations if so? have looked at the hp and tosh ones and wondering if the novelty will wear off and i'll want the powere etc of a proper laptop


8,134 posts

262 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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A colleague of mine uses on (HP I think) and loves it.
He mainly uses it for note taking, Lotus Notes e-mail, writing Word docs, small spreadsheets (no major number crunching), Visio, SAP Gui and a couple of custom apps.
No performance issues as far as he's concerned but he's hardly a power user


407 posts

260 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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make sure you look at ones with Pentium processors, we have a bunch of users at work on the first generation Compaq T1000's which use Crusoe chips and they are appalling!
Do you think you will work with the tablet pen a lot? If yes then give them a serious test, if not then get yourself a power notebook.