

Original Poster:

8,981 posts

264 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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anyone know how I can conect my old PC to my new one so I can copy it's hard disk? I have every connection under the sun on the new PC: lan, Fire, USB 2.0, Serial, and on the old PC everything listed except Lan, which I bet is the one I need

If someone could just put me outa my misery i'd appreciate it.

Cheers, Nik


5,252 posts

278 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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why dont you just take the Hard drive out of the old PC and Stick it as a Slave drive so you can copy the data across. Probably the quickest way to be honest.

You can do serial connection but thats slow, or you can buy a Network card £8 for a new one



Original Poster:

8,981 posts

264 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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is it very difficult to take out the hard disk?


4,962 posts

265 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
quotequote all
pvapour said:
is it very difficult to take out the hard disk?

No. Just remove the case, then disconnect the cables attached to the drive (IDE ribbon cable and power).
Remove the 4 screws which hold the drive in and slide it out of the chassis. The only thing you need to be careful of is the jumpers on the HDD (as mentioned earlier you need to tell the HDD to be a slave rather than a master). Most drives have a piccy on the top of the case showing you what to do...


>> Edited by _DJ_ on Sunday 7th December 17:20


5,252 posts

278 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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Not really you have a molex power adapter red yellow and black wires, a ribbon cable and a few screws it should just slot out of the internal rack.

Have a look inside the case and see where everything is, and see if you feel confortable doing it.



5,252 posts

278 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
quotequote all
_DJ_ said:

pvapour said:
is it very difficult to take out the hard disk?

No. Just remove the case, then disconnect the cables attached to the drive (IDE ribbon cable and power).
Remove the 4 screws which hold the drive in and slide it out of the chassis. The only thing you need to be careful of is the jumpers on the HDD (as mentioned earlier you need to tell the HDD to be a slave rather than a master). Most drives have a piccy on the top of the case showing you what to do...


>> Edited by _DJ_ on Sunday 7th December 17:20

Darren got here first


Original Poster:

8,981 posts

264 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
quotequote all
thanks guys, i'll hav a look



Original Poster:

8,981 posts

264 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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got it apart, but can't identify the HD, is it sloted in with the other boards like the fire wire sockets?


498 posts

263 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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The hard disk is a box that is 6 inches long by 4 wide and an inch thick. Usually mounted underneath the floppy disk at the front of the PC, attached to the main board by a wide grey cable. Have you got a mate nearby that can help? Probably for the best


Original Poster:

8,981 posts

264 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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er, no, but i have idetified it(thanx) but there is no way of introducing it to the other HD in the new machine, no extra slots or plugs, so is there another way i can get the info off this old HD? by the seriel port or by the fire wire etc?

cheers, nik


720 posts

282 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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Well, how much do you need to transfer?
You wont need the operating system of program files so if it is just a gig or so why dont't you just burn some cd's?


1,186 posts

282 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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If you have Firewire on both PCs then you just need a 6pin to 6pin firewire cable.

If you have USB, then you can use a USB network cable (sometimes called a USB transfer cable), which is a special USB cable that acts as a client to both PCs and allows them to communicate.