


Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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Seeing as my current hosting company have just deleted most of my site without even asking, i'm looking for somewhere else to put it all.

I need 1gb of space and i'm transferring about 6gb a week. Mustn't be hugely expensive.


13,116 posts

267 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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6gb per week

Best i found is lunarpages

Joust or Donlift might be able to do a deal for you


13,387 posts

264 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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Try www.xsession.com

Run by a bloke I used to work with.
Seemed very cheap, reliable service and run by a group of guys that no what their doing.


Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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All good so far. However, i need just plain webspace. I don't run any databases or scripts. £350 for only 500mb is far too expensive. My site's currently 860mb and not getting any smaller.


13,387 posts

264 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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That is for a year. So it works out at just under £30 per month.

I'd drop them a mail or phone them with your requirements and see what they can offer you


13,116 posts

267 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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Sleepy fish is now being hosted by Easynet (Joust) so if Steve is happy i think it could be the best route


Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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Pies said:
Sleepy fish is now being hosted by Easynet (Joust) so if Steve is happy i think it could be the best route

Yes, i've emailed steve to see what deal he's on and whetehr it's available to us lesser mortals.


9,294 posts

276 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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www.serverstream.net if your in need of a top quality dedicated server...

My virtual offerings via http://Register1.net have been suspended whilst we 'upgrade the packages on offer'

So no help to you for the time being :|

I have a few clients who could sort you out tho, depending on how much your looking to pay.

simpo two

87,879 posts

276 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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www.123-reg.co.uk. Even I can use it.