Help! Engine Prob...



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3,829 posts

280 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Right, bought myself an nice wee Orion LX on Monday. I had looked at it a week back on monday and it was a beaut! Engine ran like a dream purred perfectly at 800rpm and picked up like a rocket, no rust, carpets were a bit dirt but I could handle that and there was a very small oil leak.
Bought it monday, cleaned it up on tuesday and traced the oil leal, Rocker Cover Gasket. Changed that on wednesday and put it all back together no probs and then started it!
Woohoo, my first 'big' job finished without a hitch!
Thursday morning came, remembered central locking didn't work, popped the door panels off. reconnected the solenoids and central locking is perfect. Went to start the car, wouldn't catch. Starter motor was turning engine at abour 500rpm, engine would try and start, the revs would rise to about 800rpm then it would fall back onto the starter motor! After an hour or more of this I gave up as the battery died! Tried a Jump start last night, was trying for over two hours - nothing!
Took the cover off the airbox. Lots of popping coming from the carb then a nice wee flame out and a fire! Fire extinguished itself. Still won't start! It's as if the fuel isn't going into the cylinders, just accumulating in the inlet manifold then igniting every now and then!!
Anyone got any ideas???
If it's any help its the 1.4 CVH engine!
Having just bought the car, I'm not going to sell it!
I know my way around an engine so be technical but not too technical! I can and will do or try most things to get this puppy going, it's a great car! Not compared to tiv's but compare it to my last lump of scrap and you'll understand!

Thanks in Advance!



10,857 posts

273 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Hi Stu,

Sounds like you have a blockage in the carb - is it a Weber (single choke if it is), or a Ford VV ? If the former then it will have Weber stamped somewhere on the top of it. If it is a Weber, a good dose of Carb cleaner should do the trick - get a can, spray into the carb orrifices for England, and then it should be okay. Still may need a jump to get it going. Failing that, clean it and spray "Cold Start" (which you can get in Halfords) into the intake at the top of the carb. Remove the filter, screw on when she's running again.

If its a dreaded VV, then I have some bad news for you. The Variable Venturi is one of the worst designed carbs ever built, and is does this sort of thing at anonymous regularity. Its a shitty, shitty carb. If you want to, then repeat what I said above (carb cleaner, then cold start) and you should be okay.

But sadly, VV's go out of tune at will, and whilst I appreciate you haven't exactly paid the earth for this Orion, then you may wish to upgrade a VV to a Weber - I did it to my first car (a 1.3 Fiesta) - best money I ever spent - cost about £170 I think.

The major cause of this is the fact that carb'd Fords of this era don't have a fuel filter, so in time they will pull all the crap lying in the bottom of the tank through the line and attempt to burn it. An alternative is to buy a fuel filter (a universal one will do - quite cheap, only a couple of quid), 2 Jubilee clips, and slice the fuel line in half before it reaches the carb. Splice the filter in, and Robert's your father's brother. All the shite will now get lodged in that rather than in your carb.

If you need any more info or advice, then e mail me from my profile and I'll give you my mobile number. As you can tell, I've been here, done it, sworn a lot, broke down in the middle of f**king nowhere, got to know my local RAC chap by first name and so on.

All the best,


PS - if its a CVH, another word of advice. Change the oil regularly ! Doesn't matter what with, just do it every 6K without fail.Otherwise, the oilways clog up and you get oil starvation at the top of the engine. This accelerates valve guide wear, and you'll get blue smoke billowing out of the exhaust, and horrific oil consumption. Mr Ford will charge you about a ton to put this right. But, keep the oil clean, and you'll be fine. I traded my 1.3 in with 145,000 on the clock. Silly salesman thought it only had 45K on it, as he never asked me. Arf !

>> Edited by GregE240 on Friday 1st March 10:24


Original Poster:

3,829 posts

280 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Cheers Greg,

It's a Webber carb. First thing I noticed when I whipped of the Air Box cover. The carb was the first thing I cleaned when I got the car, The air filter was full and I mean full of oil, this was getting into the carb and being burnt up!! When It was fired up when I looked at it a small amount of blue smoke came ou the exhaust but this has gone now thankfully!

Spayed loads of carb cleaner in the carb last night although it was dark! I'll give it another shot!!

I'll give it a shot in a bit!! Just let it warm up a bit outside first!!!



Original Poster:

3,829 posts

280 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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and while I remember. I was dredging the tank for awhile last night!!
Thats the first thing i'll look at!


10,857 posts

273 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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OK, so its a Weber. They're pretty good on the most part. The carb cleaner will do it the world of good. As stated in previous post, the "Cold Start" stuff used to do it on my old car - Mr RAC recommended that.

Also, if you've got a load of oil and crud in the airbox then get a new PCV valve (this is the thing that looks like a small black Dalek head that plugs into the underside of the airbox) - they're about a tenner from memory. Additionally, you might like to check the condition of the pipe that runs from this to the rocker cover - its the crankcase emission filter. Likely as not it will be pretty much bunged up with black gunk. Clean out with whatever you have to hand.

If you're still stuck, shout. You might also wish to chuck on a new set of plug leads at some stage. The Ford ones break down in the end, and it will run like a dog, and not like starting in damp weather.




Original Poster:

3,829 posts

280 months

Friday 1st March 2002
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Thought I better make sure were talking about the same age. It's a 93 Orion. Been told it was one of the last badged as an Orion. Apparently, 50 cars after mine was made they started badging them Escorts! Think it could be someone talking through there anal passage but hey, who cares!!!
Since 11:20 I have done the following:-
In order
Emptied a can of carb cleaner into the carb,
Tried a jump start on the Orion.
No Joy.
Went to the local garage, 5 litres of fuel into a wee green can, they had never heard of Cold Start (When I mentioned it didn't have a fuel filter he said "They all have fuel Filters sir") so gave me Easy Start. Pretty lethal stuff apparently.
Sprayed a small amount into the carb whilst holding the throttle open. Tried turned it over, nice flame out of the carb. Plenty of popping and banging from the carb, engine still gets some revs going but not as often! Becoming a pain!

The airbox is nice and clean, cleaned all the crud out of that on tuesday. Cleaned the pipe that goes from the Rocker Cover into the Airbox as well as the wee pipe that connects a metal pipe below the carb to the airbox. New Air filter.
Re this black thing on the airbox. The only thing I can find has two Red tubes connecting into the underside. One connects a back cap on the Air box intake to the underside of the box, the other connects a metal pipe on what looks like the induction manifold to the same bit on the airbox. Inside this has a red ring round it and some kind of cap with AC written on it!
I'm just about to take a run out to Halfords, see If i can get this cold start! I wondering if it could have anything to do with the Cat, Had a look at the connector and it's looking a tad sorry for itself!!
I'll let you know how i get on!


>> Edited by tvradict on Friday 1st March 12:48