burning CDs



Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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Can anyone tell me why when I burn a CD using windows media does it play on the PC but not anything else


5,252 posts

278 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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You may have license protection enabled in media player,

also make sure you cd player can play cdr's some cant



5,252 posts

278 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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check in options -> Privacy then check if the Aquire license automaticaly is ticked



Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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yup that's ticked, 'copy protect music' was ticked, could that cause it?

>> Edited by Apache on Friday 5th December 20:55


5,252 posts

278 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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i think does stop you playing wma you have stored from cd playing on other pc's didnt think it stoped you when it was in cd format though try burning a cd with it disabled


27,204 posts

273 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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What speed did you burn it at? I regularly have problems if I burn a disk at max speed. Setting something "old" like 4x makes a working disk much more regularly.


Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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Nope, didn't make any difference, still works on PCs but not in anything else

simpo two

87,879 posts

276 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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IMHO Windows' CD writing facilty is a law unto itself - 'files currently on disk/files waiting etc'. Yeuch. When I got my CD writer it came with Roxio Easy CD Creator. It may sound Mickey Mouse but it's simple to use for the newcomer (unlike Nero) and works very well for music, data or straight disc copying.

(Note that if you try to copy some software, eg games, you'll get a seemingly perfect copy that won't work. Apparently....)


Original Poster:

39,731 posts

295 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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Binned it reloaded Nero, burned CD, works a treat

simpo two

87,879 posts

276 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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Nero? Sorted then, congrats.