Is this a good deal?



Original Poster:

18,934 posts

266 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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I've been deliberating about getting an Xbox for a while for the reasons of price of games and the rubbish bundles with Halo and Midtown Madness 3 which i didn't really want.

Anyway, i was down at my local games emporium when i spotted an Xbox with any game for £150, this sounds like a good deal to me. It means i can get PGR2 with my Xbox instead of having to shell out £30 or £40 for it. So is there a general consensus that this is a good deal, or should i wait longer for a better deal?

Also, just a quick question. Is a scart cable essential? The local shop is selling them for £15 which i think is slightly pricey, although i can get them cheaper. I've always got scart cables with my consoles as the picture quality is so much better.

Appreciate the replies.

Thanks Gary


11,578 posts

295 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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Well the X-Box is only £120 from Amazon so add £30 for PGR2 and you get £150.

Alternatively there is the bundle one you mention for £130, adding in PGR2 would only make it £160 and you are getting three games!


5,252 posts

278 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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you can get an xbox 4 games extra controler from argos and game for 150.

I think th eoffer includes one new release and 3 older games



Original Poster:

18,934 posts

266 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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If i were to be getting the game from my local shop it'd be another £40. Which would take it to £170 (losing track of numbers here). I don't want one of those extra rubbish controllers that come with the Xbox. I wouldn't bother with Argos anyway, i hate argos.

I'll have a look around at the deals over the week-end, perhaps it wasn't as good a deal as i thought. Getting back to scart leads, does anyone have? And are they pretty much essential?


5,252 posts

278 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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you get a scart cable with the xbox, if you want to take advantage of Doulby digital output you will need the advanced scart cable but you dont need to buy one as an extra.

I got my xbox going through a sony 32" tv with the standard cable picture quality is good enough.

Just had a look

The cable you get is a Xbox to 3 phono (video, Audio L+R) and a scart adapter (3 phono to scart). If you get into the detail of the cable design you dont get no advantage using a dedicated Xbox to Scart lead I make Custom audio Cables every week and the phono way is the one prefered in industry.

Plus with this cable you can have the video signal going to the TV and the AUdio going to the HIFI for Prologic surround sound.



Original Poster:

18,934 posts

266 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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Oh ok, sounds good. I remember wheni bought my other consoles they came with the aerial switch, so when you wanted to play you had to flick a switch to change from TV to console. I'd probably buy a cable anyway, depending on the quality i can get hold of one for about £10.