Firewalls, 3rd Party Cookies and PistonHeads

Firewalls, 3rd Party Cookies and PistonHeads



Original Poster:

65 posts

256 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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I'm new to PistonHeads and still finding my way around. Its taken me a while to get to be able to post at all due to the Zone Alarm Pro firewall on my PC, and my sincere thanks go out to Dave Edmonston without whose help I'd probably still be struggling now.

I eventually discovered that I can use PistonHeads just fine if I enable (i.e. allow) 3rd Party Cookies from the PistonHeads site. Technically, problem solved :-)

However, here's what ZoneLabs have to say about 3rd Party Cookies :-(((
------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
A third-party cookie is a type of persistent cookie that is placed on your computer, not by the Web site you are visiting, but by an advertiser or other third party. These cookies are commonly used to deliver information about your Internet activity to that third party.
------------------------------- snip -------------------------------

Now, you'll probably appreciate that I'm not too keen about the "These cookies are commonly used to deliver information about your Internet activity to that third party" statement; but unfortunately Dave was unable to explain to me why PistonHeads will not operate unless I allow this?

Is anybody else able to answer my question?

Has anybody else experienced similar problems when using firewalls with PistonHeads?


12,058 posts

275 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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I believe the popup ads are powered by an external provider. I assume this as i've got regular ad servers blocked on my pc and none of the ads come up with anything.

Boosted LS1

21,198 posts

271 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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I'm getting ebay stuff when I'm on pistonheads. I delete it!


12,425 posts

277 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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My browser (Mozilla Firebird - ) blocks unrequested popups as well as only accepting cookies from the original website - only by adjusting the preferences (hence no third party cookies).
I have two firewalls as well (hardware & software), and no problems with PistonHeads at all

>> Edited by Bodo on Thursday 4th December 23:15


Original Poster:

65 posts

256 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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I too am blocking all ads, and simply get a box with the word "[AD]" to replace them where they should be (except popups which simply don't appear of course). It surprises me therefore that - even if ads are farmed out to another provider - as they are blocked I should need to enable 3rd party cookies in order to "support" them?

I happily have my firewall configured to allow cookies from PistonHeads though - its just the 3rd party ones I'm not keen about in light of Symantec's remarks about their purpose.

>> Edited by MudPlugger on Friday 5th December 07:16