colour laser vs inkjet



Original Poster:

3,811 posts

275 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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We have a desparate need to produce high-res A3 colour proofs for a couple of magazines we will produce in 10 days time!

As an idea of the scale of the magaines, we would probably have to print 300-400 proofs per month.

The options as I see it are

a) get external repro house to do these
b) A3 calibrated inkjet
c) A3 4 colour laser

a) is OK for short-term, v. expensive long term
b) low (ish) initial cost (1.5K) but expensive consumables
c) high (ish) initial cost (4-5K) relatively in-expensive consumables.

I reckon doing the maths that the colour laser is the best long term solution.

Any designers/repro peeps out there in PHville who could comment?




12,425 posts

277 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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FunkyGibbon said:
c) A3 4 colour laser

c) high (ish) initial cost (4-5K) relatively in-expensive consumables.

I reckon doing the maths that the colour laser is the best long term solution.
HP Color Laserjet 5500 (€3790 retail) - we have one at work, and it's excellent quality. You should however, look what the printer costs for one page in the amount you intend to print (entire lifetime, and only money-earning prints). Inkjets are bl00dy expensive to run with large numbers of prints, even in a short life.
It seems, that I'm the only one at work who uses that printer - for my presentations at uni

Calculate like this:
Printer's life: 3 years
Amount printed per month: x
Amount printed in printer's life 3*12*x=y
Cartridge price: p
Pages per cartridge: z
y/z*p= running costs
( running costs + printer's price ) / y = price per page
(You probably knew that before, but if you employ a student in your company, all the above doesn't count )


Original Poster:

3,811 posts

275 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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cheers Bodo.

I did a calculation like you suggest and....

colour laser cost per page = £0.30
inkjet cost per page = >£1.50

For 400 proofs a month it becomes a no-brainer.

Just got to convince my boss and the bean counters.

many thanks