Dual Monitor graphics cards



Original Poster:

165 posts

265 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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Has anyone got any experience of these - ideally one with 2 DVI outputs (with optional vga converter).

or maybe another card (PCI) to run alongside my Nvidia Quadro 2 Pro ??
I am using a Dell FP2000 screen at the moment and the other one will be a 17" CRT or maybe a dell FP1800
I need to test the dual monitor scenario for a potential customer and need to ensure that my software will run ok.

any ideas gratefully accepted


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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Matrox Graphics cards are good for business use

you have the G450, G550 (2 DVI outputs).

Or you can go for the P550 p650 which can support upto 3 monitors

I have had a g450 for 2 years it work quite well and you can individually set the screen res for each monitor. plus other things have a look at www.matrox.co.uk


13,387 posts

264 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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Used to have these at the office where I used to work.
They were the Matrox cards. (G450 I think). Seemed to work very well on the 19" monitors we used.

Depending on what you want to do they work very well. I.E. Run two applications side by side. (Very useful for comparing code) however any error messages that come up, come up centred e.g Between the two monitors. I think you can get rid of this by playing about with the settings through.