iMovie - sound problems



Original Poster:

13,912 posts

266 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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I've just completed my first iMovie project (5 hours of MotorRacing this year into 38 mins!).

First full run through was fine - all the transiations worked but a few tweaks required on sound levels and clip lengths, nothing major.

Now, when it's played back, I get annoying "micro-gaps" in the music that I've imported - a bit like a scratched LP would sound (the CDs the audio came from are all fine) and a number of clips towards the end of the movie have lost some or all of their audio.

I've still got 8.8 gig left so I assume it's not a memory problem.

Any ideas?


1,217 posts

290 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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I assume you have different tracks for each clip. I believe it is better to put the audio on after the clips are all sorted, and use the fade in/out on the audio bar. This may well be down to the way the video fade is applied to the audio.
I have never tried this, so I may be way off.



Original Poster:

13,912 posts

266 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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Sparks said:
I assume you have different tracks for each clip. I believe it is better to put the audio on after the clips are all sorted, and use the fade in/out on the audio bar. This may well be down to the way the video fade is applied to the audio.
I have never tried this, so I may be way off.


Thanks Sparks but yes, the audio was done after the clips were sorted. It's a problem that has only appeared on the second or third run through.

I have a suspicion that's just a glitch on the Mac that should be erradicated once I burn it to DVD.


1,217 posts

290 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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Do you have an iBook/powerbook?

If I run my iBook on battery only, I sometimes get playback glitches with both iMovie and DVDs (may just be my energy panel setup).

If you have an iMac, then the only other suggestion is how much memory, and do you have other apps running? (I have had this problem, iTunes + AppleWorks in the background and iMove is a bit slow)
