


Original Poster:

299 posts

265 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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has anyone been affected by Google's latest 'florida' update? has your website disappeared from the rankings?

it looks live google have started filtering out sites from the most popular keyword combinations to boost their adwords sales pre-IPO. it's unbeleiavable how they can get away with this and there has been absolutely zero media coverage.

has anyone on here been affected? i've had two of my keywords filtered out which is about 2000 visitors a month in lost traffic!


>>> Edited by tim_s on Wednesday 3rd December 14:35

Dick Dastardly

8,321 posts

274 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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My company got hit a bit but some of our competitors got hit really badly

I've started looking at PPC like Adwords for a more stable rate of traffic. Optimising every single aspect of every single page for the search engines is simply a pain in the a$$


Original Poster:

299 posts

265 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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i can't believe that if your keyphrase (i.e. computer games) is in google's "hit list" you're automatically filtered out of the results no matter how high up in the rankings you were. i'm sure this has upset a lot of people.

i'm trying to reverse-engineer there algorithm at the moment but it seems like there is a random element to it which means nobody can do anything about it other than buy adwords.

>> Edited by tim_s on Wednesday 3rd December 16:59

Dick Dastardly

8,321 posts

274 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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The cynic in me says that it isn't to promote fairer 'broader' rankings at all, but is simply to get people to start clicking on the 'Paid Ads' because thats where the relevent results will be.

Google is looking to public sometime soon and it wouldn't suprise me if this is to artificially inflate the companies value


90,134 posts

295 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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You really need to be in a business where you will be the only or very few search results returned to get round it.

That's why my "Pickled Aardvark Barbeque Sauce" business is doing so well.

Thanks Google


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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Never really got my Site listed on Google or such.

Can anyone email me any pointers to how to go about getting on the search engine list as when i do a search for what i sell only 3 or 4 key sites come up for the UK the rest are crap



Original Poster:

299 posts

265 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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3,924 posts

261 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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not really relevant, but i dont want to start another topic....

i was reading about the "invisible web" the other day. search engines like google etc cant access around 5 billion web-pages as such pages are "trapped" behind other pages which require you to insert your search criteria into a search facility within that website.

obviously a search engine cannot do this, and so the pages do not come up on google!

however, is another search engine which rectifies this!

i try google first, then try Profusion if what im looking at is not found. it really is quite good!


6,555 posts

295 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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stc_bennett said:
Never really got my Site listed on Google or such.

Can anyone email me any pointers to how to go about getting on the search engine list as when i do a search for what i sell only 3 or 4 key sites come up for the UK the rest are crap



Mail me with the url of your site and the search criteria you are using..



5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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google mentioned on worklunch now.

They are saying that if you do you search and put on the end "-waffle" SEARCHES OLD WAY



6,555 posts

295 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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This makes for an interesting 2 mins