TV and FM Tuners. Any recommendations?

TV and FM Tuners. Any recommendations?



Original Poster:

21,732 posts

283 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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I'm thinking about getting either a PCI or USB/Firewire TV and FM radio tuner. Anyone else got one or seen any reviews?

Also, has anyone seen one or some software that allows the PC with the tuner to stream the content across an ethernet to another PC?


48,924 posts

259 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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Hauppage have been around longest and make good kit - although the software tends to be very rudimentary.

We do stream World Cup stuff around the office here, so I'll find out for you.

I have managed to use NetMeeting to do it, but I think it was a glitch


5,252 posts

278 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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I would also like to know how to stream video through a network i have a happage card but an old one.

I was thinking of getting a all in wonder card for it PVR function Time shifting etc and remote control.



Original Poster:

21,732 posts

283 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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Cool. Thanks puggit.


1,893 posts

277 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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stc_bennett said:
I would also like to know how to stream video through a network i have a happage card but an old one.

I was thinking of getting a all in wonder card for it PVR function Time shifting etc and remote control.


just picked up a ATI All wonder 9800 pro this mornig

i would thourly recomend it
your love that remote control class

you dont want to know how much i spent on pc gear in the last 3 days


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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how much is the 9800 all in wonder i was going to get a 9600 but put it off, i dont play Games on the PC got Xbox for that.

PC is the heart of my home, it controls the Lighting, Heating, Multiroom Audio Video, Media Server, CCTV server, and much much more.



48,924 posts

259 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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Seems that you just need to install Windows Media Services, which is one of the components of Windows 2000 (might be on others, but I have win2000).

Once it's installed there are some options to help you configure live broadcasts!


473 posts

288 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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stc_bennett said:
I would also like to know how to stream video through a network i have a happage card but an old one.

I was thinking of getting a all in wonder card for it PVR function Time shifting etc and remote control.

There are a number of commercial and open source PVR applications, not that I've got round to trying any yet:

Would be interested to hear how you get on if you try any.


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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Mark, would these pvr applications work on older cards with out the mpeg2 decoding and encoding???



1,893 posts

277 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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stc_bennett said:
how much is the 9800 all in wonder i was going to get a 9600 but put it off, i dont play Games on the PC got Xbox for that.

PC is the heart of my home, it controls the Lighting, Heating, Multiroom Audio Video, Media Server, CCTV server, and much much more.


i got the conect 3d 9800 pro one 316 quid
I dident pay that they discount me.

your set up sounds nice. you sound as bad as me for fun with a crew driver

most of my stuff comes as divx so no need to strem it
i have a server with 5 ide drives and a few SCSI hard drives trown in for good mesure.

and just use the main one to play files across the network from the server.

now iv moved i was on the look out for a good low hour CRT projector

I was going to build a custom pc to run the projetor in to a custom coffey table with a small monitor under the glass top.

as the computer room backs on the opersit wall to the liveing room, i want the screen on.

im going to cut a projection hole in the conputer room wall and mount the projector there on a shelf and use main pc to run it.

I plan to do alot more as well now we moved to the new place.

as it will be easy that around setting up the crt on the celing

and all the bother of reanfourcing the celling as well

pluss it will look nicer with out a bloody great CRT hanging from the celling

personal i think windows meia center sucks.
i got a copy but its shit

I can do a better job with MyHTPC

I got a itronix laptop theat im debating wether to rip apart as it got a touch screen built in.

to use as the coffey table control device

I plan to do alot more as well now we moved to the new place.

ill let you nknow how the 9800 runs when i fire it up.

as im still puting that machine togeater as i type.

as it was getting a new mother board as well a asus a7n8x deluxe.

and it a moded pc so takes ages moving wires so it looks ok with the window and lights.

pluss i just seen vapor chill are doing the chiller with out the case now im going to be poor soon.

had a great idear of getting another coolermaster case to match mine and cut it down to a 3rd of the its hight

put the chiller in there and stack the pc on top of the cooler


1,893 posts

277 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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stc_bennett said:
Mark, would these pvr applications work on older cards with out the mpeg2 decoding and encoding???


steav take alook at myhtpc its a bit of a hackers choice.

but if you ok with that your love it, its a very flexable choice had you can verturly bolt and shit.program you want on to it.

it what i use.

when you first look at it its looks rather simple but look deaper and your get the idear


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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had it installed when you last mentioned it but cant really do much except play music, look through pictures and get weather.

unsure how to use it to it full potential


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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i have had myhtpc installed for a while but cant seem to add in the extra plugins.

How do you add them in i have put them in the root directory and gone to the configuration utility but they do not apear for me to change the options.

All i can find on the support site is add module cant seem to figure it out can you tell me how to add the plugin in.



1,893 posts

277 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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prity hard to xplain depends on what your doing with it

read all the docs and follow up on the myhtpc fourm.

for a lot of info.

pluss i aint got in frount of me as the pc its installed on is still in bits on the bench.
half our to build it and 3 days tideing wires and fitting ligths.

im useing my server to surf the net