Latest SSX



Original Poster:

13,668 posts

272 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Did a quick search but no joy, has anyone played this, is it worth a go


18,934 posts

266 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Which format? I've read some good reviews.


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

272 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Sorry PS2

I don't own the other ones, part time gamer me


18,934 posts

266 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
quotequote all
SSX3 we're talking about?

I'll find some reviews.


18,934 posts

266 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
quotequote all

There's also Amazon of course and also

Hope the links work.

>> Edited by g4ry13 on Tuesday 2nd December 19:06

bad boy

821 posts

275 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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i have got this, ssx3 its pretty good, if you are into this kind of game you should like it but for me it was fun at first but got a bit bored of it after a while but im not into this kind of game (it is my bros) still definetly worth a go, 2player is a lot of fun.


4,778 posts

278 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2003
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Got it at the weekend - LOVE IT...

If you have played the other SSX games you should enjoy it. The main differences are:

Graphics - I think these look much better than "Tricky"

Gameplay - More like GT3! You earn cash for tricks / freestyle & race results and then buy the rider attributes rather than get them for free at the end of each race. The game play is also a bit more fluid, in that you board down the mountain and simply follow the roadsigns to the start of each event & then ski into the start area & the event loads up. The load times seem better than B4, and if you restart an event then its immediate rather then reloading.

Overall very enjoyable, and has kept me amused since Saturday...



7,411 posts

264 months

Friday 5th December 2003
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Excellent i got this the other week and i have only stopped playing it now because i just got PG2.
Though i will still have a sneeky play every now and again when i need a break from the cars (dear god what did i just say???)
Oh great sound track too. N.E.R.D - Rock star!! rocking.