O/T Quark Xpress 6 - any good tutorial websites?

O/T Quark Xpress 6 - any good tutorial websites?


Mad Dave

Original Poster:

7,158 posts

274 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Ive just obtained a copy of Quark Xpress 6, and im trying to learn how to use it. Its pretty intuitive, but im after some good tutorials and sample projects with step by step instructions. Anyone know any good sites?




2,235 posts

287 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2003
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Quark have some tutorials for 4.1 on their website:


You have to register or log in to download the tutorials for 5 and there doesn't appear to be any for 6 yet.

However if you are new to Quark you will learn a lot from the 4 tutorials. I did try a demo of 6 and IIRC the program is fundamentally the same as the older versions but with more bells and whistles. Looking at the feature list it looks like they are just try to play catch up with InDesign.



13,912 posts

266 months

Thursday 4th December 2003
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Bacardi said:
Looking at the feature list it looks like they are just try to play catch up with InDesign.

...and make it work with OS X!!